Head Pro
Only been a member of the forum a short while so not in the best position to comment, but it seems that as with most members of golf clubs people are always more than helpful with any question you have relating to golf.
Someone posted a tip about putting recently that really helped me out.
It was to set up with the putter just behind the ball leaving a little gap, and then when you make your putting stroke keep looking down at the ground between the putter and ball.
Seem to be sinking a lot more short putts now so whoever posted that, thanks haha!
I've learned that however carefully I write something, someone misunderstands what was meant
I've learned that Darthvega is a smashing guy with a good swing, great sense of humour and all round good egg!
I've learned that however carefully I write something, someone misunderstands what was meant
There are some people who have no sense of humour
That there is no subject that unites everyone
That everyone I've talked to at a forum meet, I would happily play golf with.