Best thing you've learnt from the forum ?

Only been a member of the forum a short while so not in the best position to comment, but it seems that as with most members of golf clubs people are always more than helpful with any question you have relating to golf.
Someone posted a tip about putting recently that really helped me out.
It was to set up with the putter just behind the ball leaving a little gap, and then when you make your putting stroke keep looking down at the ground between the putter and ball.
Seem to be sinking a lot more short putts now so whoever posted that, thanks haha!

That was David Howell.

What have i learned? Taylormade seriously under estimate some of their marketing claims.
A lot of golfers can't swing the club very well at all...... but my God! can they can spot when there, their, they're, your and you're are used incorrectly!!
How to turn the other cheek and grow an exceptionally thick skin!

Actually despite the brickbats and flame wars this is still a brilliant place to be and the best golf melting pot around. I've learned some stuff about rules and the swing, that maybe 2370 swing thoughts per shot isn't the way to go and that sometimes you need to go backwards (12 is now imminent) to go forward again.

I've met loads of good people on here and had lots of fun at meets and GM events. As 2014 appears on the horizon I'm sure this place is going to get better and go from strength to strength
1) That lots of folk seem obsessed with the detailed mechanics of the golf swing and golf equipment and that I seem to be a small minority that think that 'You have to hit a small ball over a distance into a hole using a club or three - so here's a few golf clubs I have lying around and go have a swing at it' is all part of the beauty of golf.

2) DMDs and GPS gizmos have turned the head of a LOT of golfers as they provide an advantage over those who don't have one - and the essential age-old acquired golfing skill of assessing distance is being lost

That's two things I've learnt that make me feel an old, prehistoric, philistine - which I probably am :(

The good thing about all the above is that it makes me feel better about my handicap :)
I've learned that Darthvega is a smashing guy with a good swing, great sense of humour and all round good egg!

That no matter how long you have been playing rules are misunderstood.

That overall the forum is full of decent well meaning and genuine individuals.
What I've learned using this forum?

1. People don't hit the ball nearly as far as think (Pieman and Swinger accepted).

2. Don't wear white trousers.

3. Ping clubs are more for the 'Vintage' player.

4. Smiffy likes to call people a "Gentleman sausage"

5. Opinion is easily confused with fact.

6. No one should play 'players' clubs, unless you have a strike dispersion of a sixpence.

7. Stack & Tilt still divides opinion

8. 3 wedges are better than 4 :smirk:

9. There's more than one way to swing a golf club

10. There are some genuinely nice people on here ........ Somewhere :D
Learned loads ..

If you want to be honest about your game you will receive all the help & advice you will need to get better ..

Learned alot of rules i didn't know or had wrong in some way ..

That we all have different different sense of humours and what might be funny to you might just not be to others..

Hitting the ball along way doesn't matter and is frowned upon by some (possibly those that dont/cant :D)

the 2 most important things i learned i suppose..

I know nothing about golf except how to hit the ball & im happy in my ignorance ..

No point getting stresses over something an absolute stranger says as by tomorrow it will be on page 7 of the forum and you will possibly be the only one remembering it

Ya know what its just like a golf club really , there are people you enjoy chatting to , people you will try avoid , people who think they know everything and try to bully their point of view , there are good people and a few not so good , people who are helpful people who are not so helpful etc ..

I know i miss the banter with alot of the characters [sp] that are gone or dont frequent the place anymore for one reason or another , didnt always see eye to eye with them but isnt that the joy of forums ..
I've realised that I haven't owned nearly enough golf clubs.

Also, that when you are crap at golf the very best custom fit clubs are essential replacements for you otherwise perfectly adequate clubs. Otherwise who are you going to blame for those bad shots....yourself?
I have learnt...

Plenty of rulings that i didn't have a clue about (the recent Simon Dyson putting line one as a prime example!)
Equipment - so many hints and tips to brands i hadn't heard of or products i didn't know existed (Just bought some MacWet's)
Money - this forum costs me a's all your fault!
To never to go to Farleigh Court Driving range to teach my missus how to hit a golf ball....
That there's some beltin' people who put em selves out for others for no personal gain whatsoever.
SwingsItLikeHogan has rather more patience than me where neighbours are concerned!
And many more...
Don't take posts personally.
Meets are great places to meet great people.
The amount of knowledge on off topic stuff.
Its easy to become addicted too[is that good].
I've learned that however carefully I write something, someone misunderstands what was meant

There are some people who have no sense of humour

That there is no subject that unites everyone

That everyone I've talked to at a forum meet, I would happily play golf with.

I take real offense to this ;)
I've learned about a few forumers, those that have a similar sense of humour to me and say everything in jest (although many a true word is said in jest).

I've also learnt that I enjoy reading and writing this forum during my lunch hour much more than I enjoy reading the BBC website.
I've learnt that some people take this game far too seriously and as a result, talk utter drivel.

I have also learnt that there are some like minded individuals on here who are witty and have great banter.

Finally, that no one has owned more putters than me.
I have learned that, and to quote Abraham Lincoln ;

“You can please some of the people some of the time all of the people some of the time some of the people all of the time but you can never please all of the people all of the time.”

Not so much as learning, but I've met some fantastic people through the forum, played some fantastic courses I otherwise proably wouldn't have, read many posts that have made me laugh and on occasion spray whatever I was eating/drinking over my keyboard.

I've learned that forum yardages seem to be coming down to actual yardages.

I've learned that overall this is a damn good forum and dispite the occasional spat, that for the most part everyone gets along.
That I am clearly inadequate; in 40 years golfing I have never hit a 380+ yard drive.
That the forum often tends to divide on generational lines; what is a PS4?

But most importantly the forum is just like a good club: there are some people that one may not get on with but overall we are all here because of one thing, we love the game of golf!
That there are a lot of really decent people out there that I would have never met unless I had come on the Forum. I salute all of you.:cheers: