Best thing you've learnt from the forum ?


Challenge Tour Pro
Dec 7, 2011
South east wales
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The best thing I've learnt is to never to get married or have kids as they take up all of your golf time and take all your money ;) haha. What's the best thing you've learnt?
I've learnt that when you shoot 4 under par in the company of a fellow forumer it really shuts people up.

I've learnt that a lot of people who have crap swing can really talk a good game.

I've learnt that no matter how true something is there will always be SOMEONE who will disagree.

I've learnt that face to face people are nicer than they appear on the web.

I've learnt to meet complete strangers and have a total 100% good laugh in their company - some great memories from the forum, many, many good times.... too many names to mention, you're all mostly a bunch of top, top people.

I've learnt that my occasional 300yrd drives barely outhits most people's 7-irons.

I've learnt that being properly fitted for orange castle tees is the way forwards!! BOOM BABY!!!!
That the forum meets are made up of guys who are really passionate about golf, and are fantastic company. The best meets have included an overnight stay, a few beers and a huge laugh.

Golf as it should be played(enjoyed).
I've learnt that Homer J Simpson really does look like Homer J Simpson. Except that he isn't yellow and doesn't say "doh" when he duffs one.

I've also learnt that despite the occasional flounce, handbag fights and spats, that when the forum comes together for something like the H4H day, great things happen

Lastly, everyone has a different angle on everything
i learn how to repair a pitch mark , i also learnt not to pass this info onto your playing partners on the 1st green as 1 it leads to a 3putt and 2 it leads to some very confused looks
Someone posted a tip about putting recently that really helped me out.
It was to set up with the putter just behind the ball leaving a little gap, and then when you make your putting stroke keep looking down at the ground between the putter and ball.
Seem to be sinking a lot more short putts now so whoever posted that, thanks haha!
Someone posted a tip about putting recently that really helped me out.
It was to set up with the putter just behind the ball leaving a little gap, and then when you make your putting stroke keep looking down at the ground between the putter and ball.
Seem to be sinking a lot more short putts now so whoever posted that, thanks haha!

That one has always confused me because if you did not leave a gap it would be a penalty for touching your ball.

What have I learned.....even after playing for 55 years you never stop learning.
Golfers and their money are easily parted.
I've learnt loads of rules i never new existed.
I've learnt that the answer to everything is "see a pro".
I've learnt that to some, of my h/c, i shouldn't be allowed within 5 miles of a golf course.
I've learnt that these good people are thankfully a very small minority.
I've learnt that whatever the problem, from dodgy boilers, to boils on the a###, there will always be forumer willing to give their time and expertise. Good on you. :clap:
Learnt that some people take the game far too seriously

Some take 2 hours to hit 80 golf balls at the range

Learnt that golf snobbery is alive and well but hopefully and minority.
I've learned that no matter how trivial the subject, someone will take the hump.

I've learned that there are always people that will look down their noses at lowly 24 h'cappers like me.
I've learned that however carefully I write something, someone misunderstands what was meant

There are some people who have no sense of humour

That there is no subject that unites everyone

That everyone I've talked to at a forum meet, I would happily play golf with.
Loads - too many to mention in isolation, but lots of helpful tips, technical stuff, rulings etc etc.

Mainly though - I'm not alone and my golf obsession shouldn't (necessarily) mean a visit from the men in white coats!
Honestly I've not learnt much that I didn't know.
Most of us think too much about our swings
Most of us don't score as well as we would like.
Some have had their Sense of Humour surgically removed
Some people like nothing more than a good moan
Some people have some wierd ideas that they call fun
Some people were at the back of the queue when Diplomacy, Tact and Common Sense were allocated
Some were at the front...
Some take it too seriously
Some can't follow Rules
Some don't know Rules
Some don't care that they don't follow/know Rules
Some think they're right even when they're probably wrong
We all spend too much money
Some people don't think about what they write
Some people don't care what they write
Everyone and No-one is entitled to an opinion
Most can agree to disagree but some just won't let it lie

But we all love the game and that's what makes it worthwhile..
I've learnt...

...that Internet forums don't have to descend into personal attacks because someone has a different opinion (most of the time)
...that GM really are the best golf publisher on the market little I actually knew about golf before I joined
...a lot of rules I didn't know existed
...that most instruction on how to hit a fade is actually wrong (not that it matters 'cause I still can't hit a fade :D)
...that low handicappers generally take golf too seriously
...that high handicappers are a sensitive bunch :whistle:
I have picked up the following:

The tone of a post is provided by the person reading it - not the one writing it - and hence some times it is easy to offend.
The one-liner that goes down a storm at the bar can cause a storm on a forum
All golfers probably need to get out more...(this one particularly!)