Benefits of being a member?

just to clear up a couple of points.... NO i dont expect the course to be empty! i would have trouble joining a regular group, as i work odd shifts so try to play when i can, hence i cant book far in advance and if you read the thread, rather than just launch an attack, then im stating its impossible to get a round booked, as the same groups, usually 4's (the maximum) block book a month at a time. its the same names week after week...and when dates are released they are already taken in the online calendar.
I did ask the pro at the last lesson (excellent tuition) and he couldnt really help. which is fair enough. But as Members have to book tee times, WHY is the academy allowed to block out the par 3 without block booking the online system? wasting time driving to the course!
I'm going back to Pytchley tomorrow as i enjoyed it there, and it seems much easier to get a proper round in.
Have you spoken to whoever runs the academy to ask that question directly? They might be able to give you the times they use it so you can avoid clashing with them. You are right, it’s not ideal them blocking it up for coaching without booking the slots when people are pre booking to play it.

With regard to joining other groups - take the plunge, it will help your confidence and you are likely to meet people who you can play with in between shifts/days off - it’s exactly what I did when restarting golf a couple of years back. Yes, you’ll not be able to make every game due to work but you’ll be able to make some of them and making friends at the club will help you get on the booking sheet easier. I was hacking it around for months when I restarted and only met 1 grumpy member - all of the rest were encouraging and great company.
just to clear up a couple of points.... NO i dont expect the course to be empty! i would have trouble joining a regular group, as i work odd shifts so try to play when i can, hence i cant book far in advance and if you read the thread, rather than just launch an attack, then im stating its impossible to get a round booked, as the same groups, usually 4's (the maximum) block book a month at a time. its the same names week after week...and when dates are released they are already taken in the online calendar.
I did ask the pro at the last lesson (excellent tuition) and he couldnt really help. which is fair enough. But as Members have to book tee times, WHY is the academy allowed to block out the par 3 without block booking the online system? wasting time driving to the course!
I'm going back to Pytchley tomorrow as i enjoyed it there, and it seems much easier to get a proper round in.
I don't think anyone is launching an attack, people are just trying to help a newbie get into the game by offering advice based on their experiences.
Im struggling a bit to see the benefits of being a fully paid up member at the moment.
1:- you just cant get a round booked, the online system if either fully booked with 3s and 4's, or a non member society has booked 15-20 tee times, or its a midweek stableford. So when i know i can get time off work, I look to book, but its booked right up to the maximum advance time.

2:- online allows you to book the par 3. and it usually looks fairly empty, but then you get there, and 3-4 holes are being used by the academy. im all for people learning, but surely the system should book tee times to cover the academy, so you dont waste a 20 minute drive and then can only play half the holes.

I guess it was better when membership allowed you to turn up and play, but in these days of having to book online. i just dont see the benefit.
If it clashes with your lifestyle so much, then find a club that doesn't! Life can often be a compromise/mean adjusting habits/preferences. Some, like from joining other groups, might even be beneficial.
I have been playing golf for very nearly 50 years now and have always on occasion just turned up and played with complete strangers ranging from a ryder cup player to 28 handicappers. Just remember that you are both/all golfers so you WILL have something in common with them. I have very rarely partnered anyone who I wouldn't want to play with again and have made a good few golfing buddies over those years. Most folk couldn't care less about your h/c, you just need to be good company and understand the basic etiquette.

Look at other clubs as not all are 100% on line booking, a members club might suit you better and hopefully you would soon meet up with friendly members.
Main benefit for me is being to play at opens / multi day tournaments at other courses. Having an official handicap has opened up so many new golfing opportunities to me
When I think of benefits of club membership two things pop the top of my long list: fellowship with many having a shared interest; being able to play as many or as few holes at pretty much any time of a late afternoon or early evening as I might choose.