Shooter McPowick
Head Pro
Quite happy to mill around the house in a hoodie and jeans but I’d never dream of stepping foot on even a municipal course in jeans!
I would recommend 1 of every group of players carries a mobile phone.
Doesn't need to be turned on.
The reason behind this that if a player on the course is taken ill heart attack etc.
A phone call could be made to the club house or emergency services so as medical assistance can be activated.
You will always get a signal for emergency(999) calls phone will seek nearest signal.
Many clubs have defibrillators on the premises.
Running back to the clubhouse maybe too late for a fellow golfer.
Why have they been paying £1800 a year to be members of a club that they don't like? It seems the manager has helped them make a decision which should have been easy.
[BTW, they don't allow jeans on the course so the article must be referring to the clubhouse]
Call me an old fuddy duddy if you will but to me, jeans will never be acceptable on the course.
Very true, SirSuspect it's a bit of a stitch up as The Daily Mail have portrayed them as elderly white male little Englanders who live in the past and do not accept change. Which is the majority of the Mails readership...
Never really got the jeans thing if they are smart and clean why ban them.
Have seen players in trousers so old and shiney you could shave in them.
Years ago they were work wear but that’s not the case now.
What about the ones all ripped at the knee would they be ok?
Actually seen a four ball where one player had a tank top so old it had moth holes all over and falling to bits he looked like a tramp.
but the one with the jeans on (Armani very smart) was asked to leave the clubhouse!
Jeans in the clubhouse? How dare they. What next? Women on the course...
Relaxed dress codes in the club house is a step in the right direction.
Use of mobiles for non-phone calls, I don't have a problem with.
Van drivers playing golf on your course, van drivers are people too!
I think if we kicked out everyone who complains, we wouldn't have any members left ... at least in Germany, moaning and complaining is a way of socializing and a vital part of any club life.