Journeyman Pro
At the end of the day anyone parking in an area designated, lawfully or not, to another section of society is simply being an inconsiderate jerk
But it should come as no surprise.
Consideration for others comes a long way down on most people's lists.
Our local Tesco has put up huge No Parking signs along a section close to the shop to keep it clear so people don't get slaughtered by the racing drivers who think 30 is a satisfactory speed for a packed car par.
Every time I go there I see at least 3 cars parked under these signs but nobody seems to give a damn so it will continue.
Even at work we get people like this
We are not allowed to park in the inner compound of the bunker. It’s designed so if we are on fire a fire engine can drive around the building and put the fire out whilst we remain in the inner core and the railway doesn’t stop
We are allowed to drop off stuff like when we do shopping for meAls to cook or bring in milk for the week but then must move to the car park
One guy loves to park his classic merc there because he doesn’t want anyone dinging it..
Hopefully a fire engine will come and destroy it soon