Are par 3 courses a great way to introduce beginners to golf, or do they contribute to the misconception that golf is an easy sport?

Its a spam post, poeple have commented as such and you have a history of adding your tuppence without reading the rest of the context the threads have moved to.
Thread closed pending AI becoming human, or is the consenses to crack on?
Nope apart from someone saying (doon frae toon) he helped morph it into a par 3 can't see too many comments towards me. Think you'll find those were directed to the OP. Doesn't disguise a mod being rude to a poster where no-one else has seen it as an issue
I started playing on a Par 3 at Castell Coch in South Wales, I've just checked and it's still going strong, I'll take my lad who is 7 and just getting into golf when I'm down there visiting in the summer.
There's nowhere really local to me here in Liverpool to take him.
Depends where you are in Liverpool. But Formby Hall have a 9 holer par 3. Also the Leisure lakes at Tarleton have one which is quite good.
In my working life I have been responsible for closing 2 par 3 golf courses and 3 P&P's.
Sad, but the simple truth was not enough people wanted to play on them and the cost of maintenance and management [mainly fee collecting] was pro rata to managing a full course.
The 18 & 9 hole courses and large golf range I was managing at that time were pretty well packed.
Par threes can work if they are closely attached to a course/range with the same fee collecting process.
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In my working life I have been responsible for closing 2 par 3 golf courses and 3 P&P's.
Sad, but the simple truth was not enough people wanted to play on them and the cost of maintenance and management [mainly fee collecting] was pro rata to managing a full course.

Simple maths. The cost of a tractor/John Deere is the same price irrespective of the size of the course. The volume of fertiliser/seed is obviously lower - less acreage - but the cost of capital equipment remains the same. And financed by a far lower footfall paying far less money.
I'm in South Liverpool, I haven't played the Formby Hall 9 hole but I don't think it'll be suitable for a 7 year old?
There is one up Southport way, the name eludes me, that’s a 9 holer not all par 3s from memory, that would be fine for a 7yo i suspect
Our par three has been hammered this last couple of months. Basically because they are rotating the front and back nine’s. Anyway the holes range from 100 -220 yards flat, uphil,downhill with one over water. It has made a refreshing change.