Any advice please?


Money List Winner
Nov 25, 2011
Greensboro, North Carolina.
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If your carrying it over 270, I'd swing at 90% of what you do now, and get used to that, you'll still be carrying more than most can drive, and just take 1 club extra for your next shot.. Better that it be sure its on line.

Like I have already said. If I slow things down anymore with the driver I really struggle to get it back into impact. I am currently swinging at around 80% of what I can.

pssssst: How do you manage to get it out there that well.

Nice smooth swing and concentrate on a good contact rather than trying to knock the skin off the ball


Money List Winner
Nov 25, 2011
Greensboro, North Carolina.
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Difficult to comment Adey as your swing is obviously affected by your injuries, especially the one to your left wrist. Can you swing the club more on one plane ?

I remember when I played with you thinking you had a strange takeaway, but your ball striking was great. With all the moving parts you will have bad days when your timing is off though.

I would book some lessons, as you have a great natural eye for a ball.

My swing never looked like that before, so I am wondering if it is because of the serious injury to my shoulder last year. Maybe this is what I am stuck with now, who knows?

But i am going to get some lessons, Bobmeister is only 20 mins up the road from me so going to go see him for a couple of lessons.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Funny you should mention this James, it was something I was playing about with at the end of the season to see if I could get more fairways. Using the same theory as you are saying.

Cheers mate, I am definitely going to give this a go.

I think it's a way forward for you rather than dramatically change your swing. I would suggest you need to find something consistent off the tee if you're h/cap is going to come down. Do you have the same swing with your irons?

You hit some very unusual positions in your backswing (I'm not going to do an indepth analysis as someone will start arguing and the thread will get deleted I expext) but you do just STAND UP in your backswing and then drop again on the downswing which is a symptom of a poor shoulder turn. If you watch your left shoulder carefully you can see that it basically just moves UP and away from the ball whereas it should turn DOWN and towards the ball - you're basically 'early extending' on your backswing as your left shoulder tries to turn SO FLAT it forces your head up, and back. By the time you reach the top of your backswing you have the flattest shoulder plane in world golf! :D



Global Moderator
Nov 17, 2011
Newtownards, Co. Down, N.I.
My swing never looked like that before, so I am wondering if it is because of the serious injury to my shoulder last year. Maybe this is what I am stuck with now, who knows?

But i am going to get some lessons, Bobmeister is only 20 mins up the road from me so going to go see him for a couple of lessons.

It could simply be that your swing changed to compensate while the shoulder was injured. But may not need to remain that way now.
Going for a lesson and explaining if any changes feel painful or restrictive due to your injuries then hopefully Bob will be able to help you find a more consistent method.


Money List Winner
Nov 25, 2011
Greensboro, North Carolina.
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Here is a quick question for you James, this is not meant to come across in an argumentative way. Take a look at this swing and tell me what is wrong with it.

I appreciated what is being said regarding my swing as that is why i put it on here to get this type of feedback.
I understand what is being said regarding my backswing and how my shoulder movement is very unorthodox. But is it possible to do everything against what is considered the correct way and still be a good golfer like Furyk? :mmm:

I am going to try and sort out that back swing hopefully with the help of Bob this month.
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Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Here is a quick question for you James, this is not meant to come across in an argumentative way. Take a look at this swing and tell me what is wrong with it.

Lots... and there's lots wrong with yours. I don't think you're suddenly going to step up to the plate and decide to change your swing to a more conventional one which is why I said you should look to play a fade off the tee, I think it would suit your 'power'. I highlighted your left shoulder as 'food for thought' if you wanted to have something to work on. Frankly I couldn't care less what anyone's swing is like, as long as a) they are happy with it b) they play to the standard that they are happy with.... in your case I think you don't and won't which is why I isolated the left shoulder in the name of 'progress' (the rolling wrists, the flat backswing and all the other faults can wait)..... remember, even Furyk has a coach to keep an eye on his swing regardless of how well he delivers the club through the impact area.,..oh, and he's not a very long hitter :thup:
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Money List Winner
Nov 25, 2011
Greensboro, North Carolina.
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Lots... and there's lots wrong with yours. I don't think you're suddenly going to step up to the plate and decide to change your swing to a more conventional one which is why I said you should look to play a fade off the tee, I think it would suit your 'power'. I highlighted your left shoulder as 'food for thought' if you wanted to have something to work on. Frankly I couldn't care less what anyone's swing is like, as long as a) they are happy with it b) they play to the standard that they are happy with.... in your case I think you don't and won't which is why I isolated the left shoulder in the name of 'progress' (the rolling wrists, the flat backswing and all the other faults can wait)..... remember, even Furyk has a coach to keep an eye on his swing regardless of how well he delivers the club through the impact area.,..oh, and he's not a very long hitter :thup:

I know exactly what you are saying James regarding problems. I was messing around with a club while looking into the patio doors trying to take it away better and it was pulling on my shoulder. So obviously since smashing my shoulder up this might just be the swing that I have to live with. I have looked at a video taken on the same day of my irons and although I do the same it is no where near as bad and I do hit them really well with consistency.

So I do like the idea of setting up for a fade to try and increase my margin of error off the tee. As you say this will be easier than trying to change my swing, because maybe I can't.....:mmm:

So regarding the fade from the tee, are you saying to try using a push-fade and just set it off down the right hand side and let it come back in?


Money List Winner
Nov 25, 2011
Greensboro, North Carolina.
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Lots... and there's lots wrong with yours. I don't think you're suddenly going to step up to the plate and decide to change your swing to a more conventional one which is why I said you should look to play a fade off the tee, I think it would suit your 'power'. I highlighted your left shoulder as 'food for thought' if you wanted to have something to work on. Frankly I couldn't care less what anyone's swing is like, as long as a) they are happy with it b) they play to the standard that they are happy with.... in your case I think you don't and won't which is why I isolated the left shoulder in the name of 'progress' (the rolling wrists, the flat backswing and all the other faults can wait)..... remember, even Furyk has a coach to keep an eye on his swing regardless of how well he delivers the club through the impact area.,..oh, and he's not a very long hitter :thup:

I know if I do try and take the club back on a better plane then it hurts my shoulder. So maybe I will have to live with this back swing, going to see Bob and see what we can do about it. My iron swing is not great on the back swing but no where near as bad as the driver and I do hit them sweet as a nut from 2i to LW, they do go long and accurate. If my swing can't be changed very much then I do like the idea of playing for a fade like you have said. Are you advising to set up down the left side of the fairway and hit a push-fade shot?


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
If my swing can't be changed very much then I do like the idea of playing for a fade like you have said. Are you advising to set up down the left side of the fairway and hit a push-fade shot?

Yep, a push-fade, hit from the inside, no swing changes.... except you'll be able to RIP IT :D


Nov 16, 2011
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So regarding the fade from the tee, are you saying to try using a push-fade and just set it off down the right hand side and let it come back in?

:confused: Not a good idea!!! Cos it'll go away, not come back! :eek:

If my swing can't be changed very much then I do like the idea of playing for a fade like you have said. Are you advising to set up down the left side of the fairway and hit a push-fade shot?

That's better! :D

And make sure your physical 'limitations' are considered - I'd like to think Bob will.

A PLC CEO I know was very unhappy having spent a great deal on 'top' coaches who didn't consider his, even though he stressed them. He eventually sorted himself out - with own simulator in his 'golf workshop'! Last I heard, he was making the most of his improvement on the Celeb circuit!
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Aug 5, 2011
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@madadey, haven't read all the replies so apologies if this has been said already but in your takeaway you roll the left forearm fanning open the face enormously, this has of course got to return to square to boom it out there 270 which makes timing absolutely critical to your swing. If you're slightly out you will either flip it left or a high cricket shot right (ring any bells?). Keeping the face square (not to be confused with hooded) in the first 2 -3 feet before setting the wrists I think will help you immediately.
There are other minor swing areas that a pro can help with, more of a small servicing as opposed to an mot if you get my drift.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
You know me too well James...... if you want me to do something different on the course just include the words 'RIP IT' and I will listen.....:whoo:
I'm sure Bob will be formulating his own plan for you so I will cordially duck out now and wish you the best :thup:


Money List Winner
Nov 25, 2011
Greensboro, North Carolina.
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I'm sure Bob will be formulating his own plan for you so I will cordially duck out now and wish you the best :thup:

I do hope so mate. It will be interesting to see what he can come up with. At the end of the day it is mid winter so going to spend more time on the range than on the course so changing things does not matter if they take time to settle in. Thanks for your advise mate, you might see the results at the next meet.


Money List Winner
Nov 25, 2011
Greensboro, North Carolina.
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@madadey, haven't read all the replies so apologies if this has been said already but in your takeaway you roll the left forearm fanning open the face enormously, this has of course got to return to square to boom it out there 270 which makes timing absolutely critical to your swing. If you're slightly out you will either flip it left or a high cricket shot right (ring any bells?). Keeping the face square (not to be confused with hooded) in the first 2 -3 feet before setting the wrists I think will help you immediately.
There are other minor swing areas that a pro can help with, more of a small servicing as opposed to an mot if you get my drift.

Your posts are not invisible mate.....

Read what you advised regarding my swing problem. The 2 shots you described are spot on, that is what happens when I hit a bad one. I was chatting with my pro before going out this morning about it. Trying to do it in the shop and it was just not happening. Everytime I tried going back more on plane it hurt my shoulder and I could not get my hands any further back than around the 8 o'clock position maybe 9 at a push. I think the backswing is something I may have to live with.....:(