Another divot question

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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Very simple question for the people who are more in the know than me.

I used to suffer with my divots pointing left.

If you imagine a clock face, with 12 o'clock being target line, my divots used to point to 11 o'clock. On a good day they would be slap bang between 11 and 12, but I had an inconsistent miss (both left and right).

I've been doing a lot of work with my pro over the last few months on taking the left side of the course out of play, in other words, making a pull my bad shot. In other words swinging more from the inside and getting rid of the throw that has plagued my swing.

I've been working solidly on this and have noticed something. My divots now point either straight down target line 12 o'clock) or out to in between 12 and 1. With them pointing to 1o'clock in extreme circumstance. I even had one the stated out towards 1 o'clock then curved back to 12 o'clock pointing down target line.

Yesterday's 18 holes (85 gross) consisted of only 6 misses to the left, with may main miss being to the right of target. This is massively better than usual where it would be well into double figures.

My question. Can you relate the angle of your divot (in relation to target line) to your swing path into impact? If so, what are my divots telling you about my swing path?

duncan mackie

Money List Winner
Feb 19, 2012
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the problem here is that whilst it's true to say that your club head is travelling across the target line (from your diagrams) you have to be very sure about the allignment of all the other elements to know how you are actually swinging to cause (or achieve) this eg if you stand open, with open shoulders, and an open club face, you will create a divot as in the first diagram but be swinging on plane! The ball could start left of target and end up at the target or on target and end up right.

The only certainty is that you aren't swinging down your perceived target line through impact!

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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Forgot about is thread :mad:

Thanks for the reply Duncan.

I understand what you mean in your reply, and it makes sense.

I suppose, on reflection, the question I'm asking with regards to divots, is that if the divot points just to the right of target line or to the left, is one considered more correct than the other?


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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I would suggest the ones pointing left were related to pulls and fades, depending on how the clubface was at impact. The new ones pointing right would relate more to pushes or draws with the same proviso on the clubface.

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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I would suggest the ones pointing left were related to pulls and fades, depending on how the clubface was at impact. The new ones pointing right would relate more to pushes or draws with the same proviso on the clubface.

Sounds about right Brian.

I suppose getting one that points to target would be ideal :mad: