Almost there, final tweaks.


Q-School Graduate
Aug 30, 2009
Norwich, Norfolk
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The best part of my game is my driving, it has improved massively this season even if the rest of my game hasn't. I have hardly missed the sweetspot once since getting my i15 so I think im repeating the swing nice and consistently.
The only slight recurring problem is a drastic slice on about 1 in 10 drives, I have almost cured my slice problem of late by not breaking my wrist too soon (at least I thought so) but then when my brother took this video of me on Friday I noticed I still do it sooner than it feels like I do.
Does it still look like a fault to you? Would you recommend I continue to try holding off the wrist break a little longer, or can you spot anything else that may be causing it?
This wasn't a great swing by the way, not as well balanced as my usual, it resulted in a big slice
Swing video


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
The ONLY difference between hitting a slice and a nice draw is where you hit the ball on your swingpath.

You are dropping your hands WAY BEHIND the ball which is making you start the club back to the inside too soon (out to in)

If you get your hands closer to the circle position BEFORE you strike the ball I (almost) guarantee you'll never slice the ball again as the club will be coming from the inside to the outside.... nice draw!


hope that helps :)


Q-School Graduate
Aug 30, 2009
Norwich, Norfolk
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Thanks JustOne, thats just the kind of advice I was hoping for, and not something I would have noticed myself.
In terms of correcting this in practice, should I just try to release the club and power through with the right arm later?


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
To hit a draw where the ball starts out to the right you need the clubface pointing that way, slightly open to the target. It's the swingpath coming from the inside that will cause the ball to turn back in (draw) if the ball slices then you KNOW that your swingpath is/was wrong.

To keep the clubface pointing to the right (open) there is NO release until AFTER the ball has been hit, the last thing you want to be doing is rolling your hands/arms over as that will effectively CLOSE the clubface and make it point left at impact (a snap-hook).

On the way down simply try to think of your hands getting to your left hip BEFORE you hit the ball.... clubhead will then be very slightly trailing behind and should send the ball out right with drawspin.

Hope that helps... stooopid game! :)