Advice For Beginner Golfer Practice


Medal Winner
Aug 13, 2013
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Hello there,

I started learning golf 3 weeks ago, and loving it. As a music teacher, I was pretty shocked at some of the insane complexity involved in teaching golf, and conflicting theories, so i spent a week doing research into how to best learn. I found the somax teaching methods by far the most logical and in depth. I want to teach myself as much as possible.

Heres my practice regime from green to tee (yeah i take things seriously)

week 1 research -decided on single plane motion,single plane baseball style grip

week 2 putting

week 3 short swing body motions, yoga flexibility enhancement, balance control,baseball swing drills/upright practice. Seperation of first 2 stages-knees,hips. Single plane grip practice. Weight transfer.

week 4 body motion, left arm extention (upright),single plane swing,baseball drills (not quite upright), hip rotation and speed,revision of 2 stages and adding shoulder turn stage 3

week 5 tbc

About me-Im 5foot 7 and quite broad and muscular. My biggest challenges have been flexibility and gaining torque without my body being sore. I dont know if being more flexible by losing mass and losing body muscle will be more benificial for a short guy with less reach.

I find seperation within the motions challenging. I really want to learn as much as i can seperately with the body, to enhance muscle memory, before adding more complexity.
I cant find anyone locally who teaches single plane etc, hence why im posting.

If anyone has any specific or general advice,i would really appreciate it.
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Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
From the web?

Best you get a video of your swing uploaded to Youtube (or similar) from your phone/camera.

For a one plane swing perhaps you could research "The Plane Truth" on Google.


Medal Winner
Aug 13, 2013
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Ive read the Plane Truth, and a few other books.

Im really just looking for any advice re my practice plan,anything to add,anything to avoid etc.


Money List Winner
Dec 31, 2008
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Blimey JJ, its only a game!!!

Field, stick, ball, hole.

Stand on the 1st, use the 2nd on the 3rd to get the 3rd into the 4th ASAP.

Go smash some balls in a fashion that feels natural, if it goes roughly where you want it to just go have fun with it!!


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Dont get concerned with this separation and 'X' factor stuff, it's not possible to build torque between your hips and shoulders as they move independent from each other. Stay centered, reduce excess movement, work more on connection between the arms and torso than hips and shoulders.


Nov 16, 2011
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Learning from Green back to tee is reasonable. Short game is the most important area - where scores are made or lost!

Golf is a bit like Amateur Rugby, size and shape doesn't really matter, just has to be considered. It's talent, dedication and the 6 inches between the ears that matter.

Learning a 1PS from the start is reasonable too. Harder to learn (apparently) but easier to maintain.

Baseball grip may be easier to start with but has distinct disadvantages.

Interested to see how this pans out. To me, Somax is merely (yet) another of the many approaches - a more bio-mechanical one. Any 'method' that rejects 60 years of accepted methods needs to produce a star or 2 and I don't believe it has done that.

Also interested why someone, who is a professional teacher himself, should reject the use of professional teachers. Would the same logic be approprite in Music?

And Robobum has a point. Set up properly, hit it as hard as you can control and adjust from there! As per Somax though, worth finding a 'model' top Pro of similar build. wouldn't recommend Jim Furyk (2PS anyay) or Hunter Mahan!


Medal Winner
Aug 13, 2013
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Learning from Green back to tee is reasonable. Short game is the most important area - where scores are made or lost!

Golf is a bit like Amateur Rugby, size and shape doesn't really matter, just has to be considered. It's talent, dedication and the 6 inches between the ears that matter.

Learning a 1PS from the start is reasonable too. Harder to learn (apparently) but easier to maintain.

Baseball grip may be easier to start with but has distinct disadvantages.

Interested to see how this pans out. To me, Somax is merely (yet) another of the many approaches - a more bio-mechanical one. Any 'method' that rejects 60 years of accepted methods needs to produce a star or 2 and I don't believe it has done that.
Also interested why someone, who is a professional teacher himself, should reject the use of professional teachers. Would the same logic be approprite in Music?

And Robobum has a point. Set up properly, hit it as hard as you can control and adjust from there! As per Somax though, worth finding a 'model' top Pro of similar build. wouldn't recommend Jim Furyk (2PS anyay) or Hunter Mahan!

Thanks for that. I cant afford regular lessons plus all the other stuff to buy. I thought id give this a go and see where i get to. I feel if i can memorise all the parts of the body and the swing, then get the muscle memory going thats the most logical start. If i try to do everything at once, ill be gaining muscle memory on errors which will be hard to change.

When i get all the parts up to speed ill try and find a teacher for occasional lessons.
A young Moe Norman will be my nearest comparison! Im going to do a blog and vids.
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