Aaargh face control!


Head Pro
Dec 23, 2009
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Split hand drill has made a huge difference to me and my open face woes which includes both slices and out to in shanks. I was so focused on trying to get shaft lean at impact I was holding off the release and wasn’t finishing the swing with any follow through.

From what I understand Shaft lean is an effect, not a thing. You can't do shaft lean as a position, it occurs because all the other stuff is working. On Youtube look up Mike Malaska, for me he has the most common sense approach to the swing of anyone I have seen. He's got oodles of vids covering all kinds of stuff.


Assistant Pro
Dec 30, 2016
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From what I understand Shaft lean is an effect, not a thing. You can't do shaft lean as a position, it occurs because all the other stuff is working. On Youtube look up Mike Malaska, for me he has the most common sense approach to the swing of anyone I have seen. He's got oodles of vids covering all kinds of stuff.

Yes, been a fan of the Malaska content for a while now, simple and to the point.