A thank you to Homer


Tour Rookie
Jun 12, 2012
Gateshead, Tyne & Wear
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Whilst I had some time to kill, I had a look at your website which featured one of your latest lessons videoed. In it the pro complimented you on your posture. I noticed that once you took your address position, you seemed to lift your upper body section to create better angles with your spine.
This is something I have been trying over the last week with great success. At address position, I now lift my upper torso ever so slightly. So now I focus on my sternum bone and thoracic cage after address and lift this slightly, whilst maintaining the same knee flex.
I now find that I am able to complete a better turn with the shoulder passing under the chin, which in turn gives me more width and allows me to turn on a better plane.
The horror bad shot, pull left seems to have been eradicated as I'm now able to turn my shoulders on a steeper plane, which I need being a one plane swinger. I've now hit a few draws with driver which I've never done before, I can really feel myself swinging from the inside.
I've got to be careful however, because I have a problem that when I try to change something I always over compensate and go to far to the other side.
As I've heard with golf it's fine margins and even the smallest of subtle changes can make a massive difference.
So, thanks Homer and here's to better and happier golfing.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Cheers for that pal. Ironically, since that video I've gone back to the guy I was using before Andy in the video. Andy was fantastic at just making the tiniest tweak to correct a fault I arrived with but to be honest I was never sure where we were going in terms of developing it long term. Most telling was the new pro asking "what did you and Andy work on?" and apart from tweaking set up, address etc I couldn't really say. This new guy has some definite ideas (a plane truth teacher, and back to working towards a 2 plane swing) and I've already changed the address and swing path and got far more room through the ball. Not seen it on video but I think the shaft is shallower than in the videos I've put up.

These ramblings aside I'm glad my video has helped and sometimes I feel it's always good to see an average (and I'm pretty average at best) golfer and be able to relate to their swing, idiosyncrasies and all. By the way I'll PM my address and the invoice!!!!!