A question about my swing - Video included

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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I had my last lesson last Thursday until the winter on my swing, ironically it was mainly focused on putting :mad:

Anywho. Here's my last swing video taken during my lesson. The club in used in that video was a 6 iron. Flight was high and straight and just missed my target area by about 5-10 yards left.


I'm happy with the improvements I've made over the winter, and over all my swing feels much more solid.

I do however have a question on the above, specifically at impact.

Here's a still taken at impact (.... Well a fraction before actually):


Here's a cropped photo to the section in question:


My question to you good people is this. Are my hands leading the club into impact? In other words, do I have any lag/forward shaft lean at impact?

Personally I think my hands are, fractionally ahead, but I'm not sure how or where I should be looking to determine if they are or aren't :mad: .

I'm not looking to make any changes now until the winter, however any thoughts you good people have are always welcome.

Mucho kudos in advance :thup:


Journeyman Pro
Mar 25, 2011
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Hi Gareth,

I am by no means an expert, but that never stopped anyone on here did it?! When I watched the video at full speed I spotted it, and slow motion only confirmed it (as do your pictures). If I was to call it I'd say you're casting as you begin your downswing.

If you ffwd to 3.40 you'll see what I mean, I think you'd hit the net with your current swing.


If you try to hold the wrist cock action a fraction longer and into your downswing you might get into it a bit more.

Feel free to ignore! Happy golfing dude


Nov 16, 2011
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I think you are right - fractionally ahead.

All looks a touch 'crickety' to me though! The 'c' would be missing on mine at present!

Enjoy your season!

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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Hi Gareth,

I am by no means an expert, but that never stopped anyone on here did it?! When I watched the video at full speed I spotted it, and slow motion only confirmed it (as do your pictures). If I was to call it I'd say you're casting as you begin your downswing.

Interesting you say that Curls. I, personally would think if I were casting from the top, I'd struggle to keep my hands ahead of the club at impact (?).

I've broken down the swing into as many frames as the image will allow. I'll apologise if the lines aren't in the right places for the measurement. Swing analysis is far from a strong point :mad:


To my, very untrained eye, the angle from reaching the top only changes marginally going down and, again, only vastly different in the last picture.


I think you are right - fractionally ahead.

All looks a touch 'crickety' to me though! The 'c' would be missing on mine at present!

Enjoy your season!

Fractionally is right (Again, apologies if the lines are in the wrong places) :mad:


Something that was pointed out to me last night (... Via PM) was my hand position being too far back at address:


Just out of sheer curiosity, what effect can having the hands level, or too far back cause?
Last edited:


Journeyman Pro
Mar 25, 2011
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I guess what I'm seeing is that slight uncocking of the wrists just between jpg 4 and 5, which means that you keep that wrist position through impact and all your power comes from the turn of your body through impact, rather than the release of the club. Have a look at this, because not only is it fair to compare a top tour pros 350 yard driver swing to our own, I feel it is perfectly correct to do so ;)


At 1.02 Rorys club is level with the ground/yellow line, yet he's stored pretty much all the wrist cock he had at the top. His hands, crucially, are nearly level with his zipper, but the clubs got a long ways to go. It looks to my completely amateur eye that you've released at jpg6, the hands are still behind the body, with the rest of the swing completed by body turn. This means you are leading with the hands but the release happened a while ago and not in the moment before this. That's my take on it but as I say, no expert! It's a nice swing and you generate plenty power without looking wild, just not sure its all going into the ball. Someone more qualified can probably help you delay the release (matron), check out Ernies sage words about "the box"


My two pence, which is probably what I could charge for lessons, if I offered a 3 pence rebate on every lesson.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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again, no expert, but there seems to be little no movement at all in your hips. I am out the other end of that spectrum so cant really comment on what is right or wrong.

backswing looks great though!

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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again, no expert, but there seems to be little no movement at all in your hips. I am out the other end of that spectrum so cant really comment on what is right or wrong.

To be honest Gary, the picture doesn't do it justice.

If you consider my hip position at address to have my belt buckle pointing toward the ball, call it 12 o'clock. At that point at impact, my belt buckle would be pointing towards 11 o'clock.

It's not massive I agree but I have a tendancy to suffer from rotating my hips from the top causing all sorts of issues. If, as I have been doing, bump before turning a get a better strike and flight. I find I get better results from my swing if I focus on a lateral bump and let the hips rotate themselves.

backswing looks great though!

I should bleeding hope so!! That, and club face position has been the soul work of my pro and I over winter.

Swing path is this winters 'project' :thup:


Medal Winner
Apr 4, 2012
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I was working with what looks to my own eye just this same thing yesterday morning with my coach,
Back swing perfect, down swing in to the slot perfect, but then from there on down I was forcing the club slightly the outside by rolling the right wrist, it doesn't happen all the time with a full swung, but little quarter wedges my strike suffers,
What you like with little quarter and hip height wedges?


Medal Winner
Jan 21, 2014
Bangkok Thailand
Hi Gareth, I would work on your set up a bit more, doesn't look like you have enough spine tilt to the right at address which will make it impossible to get your hands and hips forward of their starting position on impact. Also, is there any tension in your swing? Arms/grip? Heres a good video that will help with your set up[video=youtube_share;EHRwgQe0k2o]http://youtu.be/EHRwgQe0k2o[/video]