A good year for golf


Has Now Found His Wedgie
Sep 3, 2007
Kingdom of Fife
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This year has been a really enjoyable year of golf for me. I’ve been lucky enough to play a lot and play away a fair bit too. I’ve played in more forum meets than I’ve ever done before, and also been lucky enough to visit a couple of courses on my travels to play with forum members. I’d just like to thank everyone that I’ve played with for helping make this such a good year, it really has been a lot of fun.

I hope your golfing year has been good too.
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Well-known member
Jan 3, 2021
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Me too. I was only playing with one other person, but an older guy joined us one day and he has introduced me to at least 10 other people, including the next captain, and they are all really nice guys and I can play every day if I want.
It has also helped improve the quality of my play as they are all older and a bit wiser, since they don't hit it as far, and are more creative around the greens.


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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Surprised it isn't a longer thread!
Maybe some people think its another noisy blimp thread..

It has been an interesting year for sure..most of my away days were felled by the early year lockdown so we're trying again next year...once we came back to play my appetite for away days was somewhat diminished as I didn't want plans wrecked...


Please don’t ask to see my tatts 👍
Dec 12, 2013
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Golf has been very hit and miss, what was a highlight was the OF v WS meet at Forest pines. A good laugh and really good putting names to faces.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Maybe some people think its another noisy blimp thread..

It has been an interesting year for sure..most of my away days were felled by the early year lockdown so we're trying again next year...once we came back to play my appetite for away days was somewhat diminished as I didn't want plans wrecked...
Didn't that heighten the anticipation then for things like H4H? I know what you mean though and like you hope we can get a sense of normality back and enjoy some away days


Tour Rookie
Jul 16, 2009
The Tayside Riviera
Became a member of a club for first time in five years and subsequently got a handicap for first time in that period, finished second in a comp but didn't play great for much of the year though it's improved recently - no matter I loved playing golf this year. Been harder to find time to play at weekends due to the football I photograph and my granddaughter eating into my spare time than it was last year but I've played plenty midweek.

Played some nice courses and loved all of them - some of the money we'd usually spend on foreign holidays got used to play courses outside our usual acceptable price range and loved them (Gleneagles Queens and the Old Course), also got some bargains (North Berwick and Gullane No2 for £15 the pair) and enjoyed Muir of Old on holiday - got Montrose lined up already for an away day in 2022 and we'll have a trip or two further afield - loving golf at the moment.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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It’s been very good for me as at last I understood why for 35yrs I have felt what I have felt about my swing; why things gradually deteriorated so much over the last 15yrs despite my rather uninformed best efforts, and why over the last 5yrs it’s been grim with me living in Shankland every time out, and regularly shooting in high 80s and often well into the 90s…difficult to accept for one with a hcap of 8.

And having gained that understanding I’ve learned what I must do to change things - as my pro might have said - you only have to change one thing about your swing…everything…

Its not that but it feels like it.

Since July ‘everything‘ has been changing…and changing for the better. Through Sept-Nov I shot under 80 (CR 72) more times in such a period than I’ve done since the late 80s-early 90s, including my best scores round my current track since I joined 18yrs ago.

So looking forward to 2022 with great optimism. Week ago I said to my pro my target for 2022 was 8, he said we can do 5 or 6. We shall see.

Definitely a good year for my golf (did I mention the Camberley pre-H4H meet? I have now…?)
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Active member
Jan 2, 2021
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2021 was a fantastic year golf wise for me (outside of golf it was shite though)

I got out more regularly with my son to the range, played a few more rounds than previous years, and after having to withdraw from the Woking meet I made it to my first forum meet (H4H) where I played with Brian, Pat and the winner Adam.

I’m looking forward to seeing the 2022 meets and will start to pick a few of those to get along to. I’m also closing in on a membership at a local club as I’m lacking golf buddies since moving to the area which I’m hoping will help get me out more.

Good luck in 2022 everyone!


Tour Winner
Apr 15, 2008
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Yup been a good year.
Managed to play 45 courses and my own 97 times ( ranging from 4 to 18 holes a time)
Dropped HI to lowest ever and renewed friendships on the County Seniors circuit.
Head Greenkeeper handed in intention to retire after 47 years so was heavily involved in recruitment of our new "Course Manager" and look forward to the changes.
Hid is going to be Ladies Vice Captain this year so busy busy.
Trips to Woodhall, Scotland and Portugal ( Covid permitting) booked.
Love this game, played Xmas eve, played rubbish, played Boxing Day was superb ?


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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I joined a new club, represented the club in two different away leagues and met some very nice chaps, but more so I enjoyed my golf again.

For me and others I play with it’s become less about the score and more about the enjoyment, company and ribbing which has led to more enjoyable golf. I’ll continue to work on my swing, tweak here or there under guidance from my pro but as it stands for 2022 my HC will do as it pleases, the only measurement I care about is EI, enjoyment index!