2s comp major moan


Money List Winner
Nov 17, 2009
Taunton ,Somerset
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Don't know if I should be mad at this or not.

I played 3 weeks ago in an away day open.
As usual we entered the 2s pot for some balls
Last year we entered,and some of our guys had a 2,the balls were given to them
at the time 12 prov1s per 2.
So this year expecting the same outcome,we entered.
Having had a 2 during the comp,i asked before leaving what we had won for a 2.
This year it was AD333s but they couldn't hand them out because there were still
groups out on the course,so they would be sent out at a later date.
I then proceded to give the guy in the pro shop my name and home address.
I decided this weekend to ring the pro shop as I had not received any balls.
He said it had been passed over to th secretary,and he would be informed that I had not
received my balls yet.
I had a txt this morning to say that they didn't want to send them out due to the cost,
and that they would be given to a senior from my previous golf club
after their comp this week.
4 Weeks after the comp.
Surely the club must take the sending of balls out into their costings.
Does that mean every person who had a 2 must wait until another player from their club
plays in a comp,to be handed heir balls for the previous comp.
A complete joke imo.
No more 2s comps for me:angry:
Seems a bit disorganised to me - they should have taken account of the costings before, stopped non-members entering the 2s comp or told you that you'd have to collect them BEFORE you entered.

The change of ball is clearly a sign of the hard times facing everyone. On the plus side you are still getting a dozen decent and new golf balls.
We (4 of us) played an open a couple of years ago & all entered the 2s sweep and a couple of us scored 2s and were told when we got back to the clubhouse that we could take 2 sleeves of balls now (I forget the make & model) or could take a chance and collect at the presentation. Seems like the logical thing to do if you've got people coming from distance to play in your opens!
i always thought the 2's sweep was income changed into balls and split between the amount achieved so i can understand the waiting until the end of the comp before working out how many balls are to be given out per 2.

Personally i think if the prizes are to be given out at the completion of play, if you dont wait for your prize it is your responsibility to claim the prize and not expect the host club to pay for forwarding costs.
" comps at opens are always a contentious issue, Some woman had a 2 at our open and wanted to get hers then and there, as it was a share for all who got them, we didn't know how many she would win so offered her 4 then and there, she took them and then later wrote in to complain she hadn't got many.

The cost of sending balls in the post is prohibitive.
I entered the 2's sweep in a team comp at Beau Desert, and our group had 3 between us.

We were told when we entered that they would be given out at the prize giving, but if we didn't want to hang around for that they would keep them in the pro shop for us as long as necessary.

We'll probably collect them in the same comp next year. Not a problem as we knew the score when we paid the money for it.

Being told they would be posted out then finding out that wouldn't happen is a bit naughty imo.
this has been a bone of contention at my club for the past few years,the 2's sweep costs each player £2 but only 60% is actually used for prizes the rest going to the pro,but the biggest gripe is the amount given for a 2 differs from one week to the next irrespective of how many 2's achieved,i have had from £1-75 upto £2-60 for a two so losing 25p or winning 60p,and it is compulsory on entering the comp that you also enter the 2's comp.
I entered the 2's sweep in a team comp at Beau Desert, and our group had 3 between us.

We were told when we entered that they would be given out at the prize giving, but if we didn't want to hang around for that they would keep them in the pro shop for us as long as necessary.

We'll probably collect them in the same comp next year. Not a problem as we knew the score when we paid the money for it.

Being told they would be posted out then finding out that wouldn't happen is a bit naughty imo.

That or someone will pose as you when they are there next month and then redistributre them all round the course lol ;)
Yeah I've found my club to be a bit like that. I paid my membership fees for the year and didn't see my bag tag and free round for guest token on the notice board or behind the pro shop, so I contacted the general manager and said I hadn't recieved them, she told me she has them in her office. I play weekends, she works during the week so never see her. I asked that she post them to me as I won't be at the club for a few weeks to which she said shed put it behind the pro shop, I replied saying but I won't be there for a few weeks so can she post it, didn't get a reply and haven't got my bag tag yet...

I pretty sure it would have cost less than 50p to send...
I pretty sure it would have cost less than 50p to send...

happy to take that bet for any amount of money........2nd class small letter is 50p! So if your bag tag is more than 1/4" it will be more that that as a base cost, and that's before the cost of the envelope :)
Our 2s are £1 to enter and all the money collected is prize money to be split how ever many get a 2 so 70 entries =£70 6 x2s = £11.66 each into your pro shop account