250 greatest guitarists


Head Pro
Oct 8, 2012
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Rolling Stone has just published its latest attempt at listing the 250 greatest guitarists of all time. Predictably Hendrix is at #1, which I suppose is reasonable.

I was expecting them to toe the party line and exclude any prog rockers, but was pleasantly surprised to see the likes of Steve Howe and Steve Hackett included. Lots of others missing, of course, but at least not a complete elimination.

BUT... Their list, which includes dozens of ordinary players, omits Allan Holdsworth. WTF?!!!
I don't think I could even name 250 guitarists. There's always a few that are surprisingly high up these lists though and make me wonder what the criteria is. I haven't looked at this particular list (no link ;)) but just generally I'm always surprised that Kurt Cobain is often featured quite highly. Great songwriter but I never saw him as a fantastic guitarist. If you get marks for innovative style rather than just technical ability though, then I guess so.
Not seen the list but I went to see the Waterboys last night and Mike Scott was absolutely fantastic, the guy makes it look easy, used 4 different guitars, played various styles… not bad for a 64 year old!
Just had a quick look, not heard of a lot but there seem to be a fair few who are on the list purely down to the bands they happened to play in. McCartney and Lennon the best guitarists in the world? Give me a break 🤣
Nice to see Dimebag there 👌
Could listen to Pantera with no vocals, just for Dimebag riffing.
Glen Campbell in there? He was an awesome guitarist, both solo on his own stuff as well is in The Wrecking Crew.

Good that Steve Hackett is listed…I get the impression that Tony Banks sometimes rather wished he wasn’t quite as good and quite so key to the Genesis sound of the Hackett era.
As much as I appreciate the sheer skill level displayed in the above clip, it's absolutely fantastic - it bores me to death listening to.
Well...I got as far as #197 and found Nuno Bettencourt closely followed at #194 by Brian Robertson and Scott Gorham and decided that its a complete bunch of baloney.....
Just gone on a few more and my decision is confirmed
Steve Lukather at #186
"Greatest guitarists ... in blues, rock, metal, punk, folk, country, reggae, jazz, flamenco, bossa nova, and much more" would have to have Glen Campbell at the top.

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This lass is very good

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These lists tend to be a bit subjective but at least they have my favourite, EVH, at number 4. Unless I've overlooked them worthy omissions include Gary Moore, John Sykes and Martin Taylor.
There are some very odd selections in there - I mean, Steve Cropper barely making the top 50 is an absolute joke!
I lived with a friend at university who was into speed guitar stuff. He used to practice for hours. Technically superb but it's a pretty niche market and certainly not one I would choose to listen to.

That comes to the nub of the issue to an extent, doesn't it? If you are a brilliant guitarist but play music that people struggle to listen to, how do you rank compared to the technically solid, not spectacular, but tunefully wonderful? What is the premiss for being 'best guitarist?'
I hope this young lady is on the list...
17 year old Tina S

Technically decent, yet there are 100s of similar technical "shredders" doing this neoclassical stuff. Names at the top of this genre are Yngwie Malmsteen, Tony Macalpine, Vinnie Moore, Paul Wardingham, etc. and have been around for a long time, and they don't make the list.

That list is more about influence than ability.
There's plenty that I was surprised weren't higher, but then I've never heard of 75% of the people in the list so I didn't feel like I could quibble it really.