Recent content by CMNI

  1. CMNI

    equipment you bought but wished you had not bothered

    Looking back my biggest regret, was also one of the best parts of getting into the game. I wasted money on second hand clubs because I didn't know enough about them. Probably the only 24 Y/O with graphite irons, moved them on after a couple months. First driver was a Cobra Long Tom- they...
  2. CMNI

    The problem with golf ....

    Uck wise up. You know it is part and parcel. The exclusivity comes from a number of factors, and obviously the club gate keeper is one of the key aspects in the perceived exclusivity. I thought you were a golfer not a a fisher, put your bait away you're running out.
  3. CMNI

    The problem with golf ....

    Also below quote is directly lifted from page 14 of your link: "Limited personal free-time and thenature of the game, competingactivities, and the sense ofexclusivity in the sport can make it difficult to entice newcomers to register as members. "
  4. CMNI

    The problem with golf ....

    All of this relates to those already playing - people like you who play, know the score, and aren't put off by the show. It makes zero reference to new players in any of those three statements. I agree with you, if you know about golf, golf clubs then whats the fuss. It is those who aren't...
  5. CMNI

    The problem with golf ....

    Sorry that wasn't aimed at you, the quote aspect messed up it was in response Liverpoolphils questions.
  6. CMNI

    The problem with golf ....

    Yea I 100% agree with this, but what about all those missed punters who never made it to the academy? That is the bigger missed opportunity. I know a local club to me (not mine), Blackwood has their pro out in schools with plastic clubs in sports halls, and then brings the interested kids...
  7. CMNI

    The problem with golf ....

    Ok I see your point and vary valid. What would be interesting is to survey people who have never played and see what their opinions are. While you and I, or any other golfer have played while and time and cost could be a problem for us, there will be a lot of people in our society with...
  8. CMNI

    The problem with golf ....

    1) This thread moved from changing the game to how can we attract and retain players early on, without changing the game itself. 2) Not all clubs want new members, I agree. If a club has members spaces available then they are seeking new players in the vast majority. 3) Someone else...
  9. CMNI

    The problem with golf ....

    Then why are you participating in this thread? This thread is about attracting new people to the sport and retaining them. You are throwing up false barriers that are only relevant in your PMC, that is obviously self sustaining and will survive regardless of new golfers taking up the game...
  10. CMNI

    The problem with golf ....

    Right you are. If you want it enough you will do it. But as you say you pay and play, so you are already welcome at that club and play there often. What difference is paying for a years worth of access vs paying for a rounds worth? Other than the club has more security as they have your...
  11. CMNI

    The problem with golf ....

    Yes but that is your PMC. If its a club where you can pay and play as much as you want (which tends to be the more common, and certainly the type more likely to attract new players which was the point raised earlier in the thread) then why the need for a drawn out application process?
  12. CMNI

    The problem with golf ....

    No because then they are not a confident driver. But your examples are so wildly off topic they make no sense. What is the problem: Golf in decline Question: Why do you think that it is? One proposed answer: Golf is perceived as stuffy and elitest. Question: How so? Response: How is it...
  13. CMNI

    The problem with golf ....

    It is the complete opposite and thats the point. I see a job up for grabs, there is only one spot available, and lots of people want it. The company is investing in me, so I need to go sell myself. A golf club that has spaces, that wants my money, if I can pay that should be enough (for...
  14. CMNI

    The problem with golf ....

    It's not an issue, this was brought up as it is something new people to golf find intimidating and off putting.
  15. CMNI

    The problem with golf ....

    In your opinion. When I have to pay, when I have a wide open choice, why should I need interviewed?