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      ExRabbit replied to the thread Professional Golf 2024 & 2025.
      It'll be over with by then - last tee time is 14:01 and it's a two-tee start due to storms forecast for later on.
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      ExRabbit reacted to RichA's post in the thread Roll Up Group Handicaps with Like Like.
      Surely, as was suggested early on, if the adjustments are made purely on the basis of competition results rather than adjusting playing...
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      ExRabbit replied to the thread What's in a name..
      My name was because (as a prior lowish teen player) I again became a Rabbit golfer (19+) before I signed on here, but got back to lower...
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      ExRabbit reacted to Dunesman's post in the thread Roll Up Group Handicaps with Like Like.
      I am like many. It comes back to the root cause for the change in policy, who defined it and why. Why are the handful administering UK...
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      ExRabbit reacted to kp17's post in the thread Sawgrass 17th Royal Rumble with Haha Haha.
      Tom kim be in with a shout he’d still be getting ready by the time half the field were knocked out
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      ExRabbit replied to the thread YouTubers..
      Just watched it after giving Shiels a miss for quite a while - was enjoyable and also thought that Brooks was a lot more likeable than...
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      ExRabbit replied to the thread Planta Faciitis.
      Get some PF night socks - they helped me a great deal when I had it for nearly two years. Insoles were the best help, but the socks...
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      ExRabbit replied to the thread Random Irritations.
      People who use the statement 'flounce' and expect anything else from the people they are targeting.
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      ExRabbit reacted to NearHull's post in the thread Golf Random Irritations with Like Like.
      If there was a good commercial recycling use for old golf balls, the operators would be inundated. The mind boggles when we consider how...
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      ExRabbit reacted to Sid Rixon IV's post in the thread Random Irritations with Like Like.
      A few years back (2017?), so I'm told by a playing friend of a taxi driver, he stayed at the Celtic Manor whilst competing in the...
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      ExRabbit reacted to Crazyface's post in the thread Things That Gladden The Heart with Like Like.
      At the lads last night for dinner. Got the full backing from everyone over the stance I've taken on one of the major things I've been...
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      ExRabbit replied to the thread Depression.
      Carrying on from my last post just above... How are you doing? @Crazyface Perhaps you should post again on the forums because you...
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