You lucky people!!!


Tour Winner
Jul 15, 2007
Isn't it bloody marvellous!!!!

I'm sitting here reading posts of members enjoying their rounds (or not). The highs and lows of there game progress recently.
I haven't played since early in the new year due to this bloody attrocious weather.

My course is still covered with slushy white stuff. Wher it's disappeared is soaking wet through.
The local driving ranges are still white over or closed.

It's like coming off drugs and doing cold turkey. I need a golf fix. I need to get out and do a bit of swinging. I renewed my club membership early in the new year and haven't been able to have a knock.

If your course is open and playable, please don't gloat!!! :(
How are conditions in your neck of the woods?
We have one hole closed as its in shadow and so still covered in snow but the rest have thawed. However the ground is sodden and really the course shouldn't be open but I think they've decided they've been closed for so long that they need some revenue and have opened anyway.

When I say thawed - trying to repair pitchmarks is impossible. The first 1/4 inch - down to the root - is fine and then you hit "permafrost". its just solid. Can't be doing the greens any good but then I'm leaving in April so i'm not bothered! Got out today for the first time in 3 weeks and going again tomorrow just in case it snows again!

Hope your course thaws soon.
I went to the range today, it was jam packed, had a coffee, browsed in the shop and had to come home, didnt even hit a ball in anger.

Cot shopping and baby bedroom furniture shopping tomorrow so that rules out any activety tomorrow unless I do the range at night once the wee monkey is in bed and the dishes are done, although with her ready to pop I cant go too far unless I know someone is nearby.
We have been closed, or on temps since November. There have been loads of opportunities for the greens to be on, but no, better for the greens staff to keep us on temps. If it was down to them we would be off greens 365.
I dont understand why people take the hump over temp greens at this time of the year??? Its winter, if it protects the greens for the start of the season then why get upset? The greens are usually soft, sandy and hollow cored so the putts are going to bounce about anyway.

Just chill and enjoy the fresh air and a swing, I'm sure that your greenkeeper knows what hes doing.

Would you not rather have better greens in March/April and through the season for medals and competitions?
Haven't been on a course since September, seem to have had snow on ground since November. :(
Temps were up today at last but the snow is going to take some shifting here. :(
Just need to get practicing, new season in only 6 weeks. :rolleyes:
Share Bashers feelings on this. Its as much getting out of the house and getting exercise as much as playing golf. Fed up with winter now. :(
I haven't played in 2 weeks due to snow. I have to say that i'm pretty jealous of all you guys playing, and to add insult to injury the course is closed indefinatly. :(
Down here on the coast we have been quite lucky.

We were closed for a few days last week or was it the week before, when all that snow appeared one morning?

Other than that just one day because of rain.

But what we do get is a Bitter wind coming off the coast.
Got down the range today and it's the first time I've swung a club in 2 weeks. All the local courses and ranges have been snowed over.

Was really suffering from withdrawal symptoms and wanted to get to the range as my last round I was pulling all my drives and needed to work out what was up. :(

We'll got to the range today and just hit a bucket of balls and all seems good with the world again. :D

Booked a round for next weekend, hopefully the course will have drained a bit by then as most of the snows now gone.
I haven't played 18 holes this year, and have played a grand total of 3 rounds since the end of November.

That said I have been able to get to the range a few times so am still striking it well but my ability to score will no doubt be awful when back on the course and as for my putting- well I am going to try and practice that today but I am less than optimistic.
I played yesterday for the first time in 2 weeks because of the weather, still some snow in a couple of the bunkers in shadow areas but the rest of the course was fine. And I managed to hit gross 85 (nett 71) on the Roman Road. We have not had any temp greens or tees all winter so been lucky there.
have sympo for you bash..........aint played or hit a ball since november!!!! have had a shoulder injury!doc has given me the go ahead to start next week.... am gagging to resume.
I haven't seen the course since the weekend before last when I had a walk in the snow with the camera. There were some very wet areas showing then.

This weekend, the local park was completely underwater, which means the 15th, 16th and the lake have all joined the river - again.

IF there is no more snow/rain I reckon 2 weeks minimum but more likely 3 -4. I'm seriously thinking of moving. Lovely course, really nice crowd - but nbu if you spend 2 - 3 months with the fairways invisible.