Wrist release magic or something to focus on?


Assistant Pro
Jun 28, 2011
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Ok so I'm reading Tom Watson's 'Timeless Swing' book at the moment and got to the section on Release. He went through a drill that Stan Thirsk teaches which is to take a half swing from backswing left arm parallel to the ground to follow through right arm parallel to the ground. Basically if you draw an imaginary line where you're aiming, the butt end of the club should point at it at both sides of this swing. This is especially useful to teach slicers to roll their wrists correctly at impact.

Now.. I have to say - this is as close to the magic move of the golf swing as I've ever encountered. I hit 200 balls at the range, didn't feel like I was swinging remotely hard and ping'd the ball with a nice bit of draw on target most of the time. It was AMAZING.

Now my question is: I've never heard of this drill or piece of instruction before and I can remember my Dad always telling me when I was younger to never roll your wrists or think about your wrists at impact. This is very contradictory, but also worked extremely well. Unfortunately when I over cooked it, I'd get a bit of wicked hook.

Is this nasty black magic voodoo that I should forget or something I should work on?


Tour Winner
Jul 20, 2011
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Must admit I found it is something that just happens naturally if you get the start of the downswing hip movement right. Look in this months GM on the Faldo bit.

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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I don't roll/release my wrists through impact. I don't start my release until my hands are nearly level with may face.



Bob explained a few threads ago why it works with my swing and it made perfect sense. Combination of me having a slightly strong grip so I hold off on the release to deliver the club face square. Socket rocked also pointed out a video of a tour player (Zach Johnson from memory) who has a very similar swing release to mine.

We're all different. Find something that works for you and stick with it. If it happens to be voodoo please don't make any dolls that look like me :D


Assistant Pro
Jun 28, 2011
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Must admit I found it is something that just happens naturally if you get the start of the downswing hip movement right. Look in this months GM on the Faldo bit.

That's odd, it's something I really have to think about to get right - most definitely doesn't happen naturally. It's too easy to hold off on the rolling of the wrists. Maybe there's more to it. Which is exactly why I posted this...

Really nervous to be thinking about my wrists rolling at impact, I've always been taught you shouldn't do that.


Assistant Pro
Jun 28, 2011
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I've been reading everything I can get hold of on the topic and watching slow motion videos of top professionals. It's very obvious to see a rolling of wrists through impact in the videos (Luke Donald, Ernie Els, Rory), but lots of reading material says you shouldn't think about it or actively control it.


I feel this could be a breakthrough discovery for me, would love to hear the views of a cat 1 golfer or teaching pro. I'm sure I've been leaving my left hand pointing up (palm down through impact and followthrough for too long). I suppose the question is should I actively consider turning my wrists over through impact or work on some other part of my technique to correct it naturally.

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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Assistant Pro
Jun 28, 2011
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Absolutley no idea Dave, It's just something I've always done.

OP. Here's my original thread (pics and video included). Hopefully It'll give a little more insight into your question


You'll also see from Socket's post how Zach Johnson copied my swing :mad: :D (....... I wish)

Interesting! I used to have a stronger grip and suffer from the odd snap hook. I changed my swing a lot this season to a weaker grip, eliminated the snap hook but also lost my draw and now generate a high fade or slice. It may be that my holding off on the release was born for the same reasons as you Gareth. However, having weakened my grip I need to work on releasing earlier.

I think I've not understood the definition of releasing. I never considered releasing and turning my wrist over to be the same thing or even related. Reading Tom Watson's book and the chapter on release was a shocker for me. He discussed the drill listed above and also having the feeling of the toe of the club coming past the heel on impact. It amazed me to hear a pro say that!

I could so happily spend the day at the driving range..... my job is getting in the way of my golf again!


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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I also believe that if you keep tension from your arms and wrists then the rotational forces on the club will square the clubface.

Release of the club is the position the club should reach around a foot after ball impact, not at impact it's self. A good drill to get this feel is to use a mid iron and address a ball, place another ball around a foot infront of the addressed ball. Now make a swing that strikes both balls, this will give you the correct feeling of accellerating the ball through impact and releasing or extending your arms and the club.


Money List Winner
Mar 4, 2009
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If this is like the L to L drill, I've done it lots over the years.

I don't know if it is though?


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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If you want to get a feel for releasing the clubhead, try this drill.

Set up to the ball so everything is done and you are about to start the swing. Then stand up straight, bring the club up to shoulder height and imagine you are hitting a ball at that height. Have a swing or two and feel how the right hand passes over the left.
Then lower the club back to the ball and try and replicate the feeling of the release with a ball in the way.


Assistant Pro
Jun 28, 2011
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Great, thanks. I really feel this is a missing piece of the puzzle for me. Having made so many swing changes for the better this season, it's uncovered other things that are wrong which I didn't realise. I suppose I now understand how good swing techniques don't necessarily work unless they're in sequence.

Single figures here I come.


Assistant Pro
Jun 28, 2011
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Good luck.

How's your short game?


lol, it needs work! I don't really subscribe to the thinking that golf is only about short game. I never wanted to settle for a mediocre swing and get really good at chipping and putting to get down to single figures. I need a solid swing too. Single figures isn't where I want to end up, scratch is!


Assistant Pro
Jun 28, 2011
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IMO your Dad is right you shouldnt roll your wrists.

Watch a slow motion video of Luke Donalds swing. It's very obvious to see how his wrist rolls through impact. I think the main issue is you shouldn't be doing it manually, it should happen naturally by leaving your forearms tension free and following through correctly.