Wood with nails in a log burner


Journeyman Pro
May 18, 2009
Monmouthshire, UK via Guildford!
I got a sack of off-cut firewood that has several blocks nailed together...

I've been removing the nails before burning in the log burner. One neighbours says I am wasting my time, just burn as they are and remove the nails from the ask before spreading on garden...other bloke says you shouldnt burn wood with nails on in case it spits and does damage.

What sayeth the wise old sages of this parish?
I called round to an old guys house last year, he is a Jack of all trades and he bangs everything ( untreated) on his burner that is off cuts. Skirting boards etc. his had a few nails in and he says he has never had a problem. He much preferred the coal I gave him though ??