Wind Maps


Tour Rookie
Aug 28, 2013
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I wasn't aware that players now carry 'wind maps' until I heard Luke Donald's commentary today.

What with the 'green book' and the extensive caddy's note they make prior to an event I'm beginning to think the R&A should allow any technology possible.

At least it might speed up play after all the player still needs to hit the shot !!


Mar 11, 2018
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It's not very scientific, just the course plan page in the stroke saver book, draw the direction of the wind before you get on the first tee, then use it whenever you want to know the wind direction on a particular hole. Obviously can change so you can update as the round goes on.

duncan mackie

Money List Winner
Feb 19, 2012
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Most courses print one on the back of the card...its a plan of the course showing the layout of the holes relative to NS.
Strokeplanner pages have a compass rose on each hole's page.

If you are playing a tree lined course in a breeze it's very useful, but over the decades I've rarely seen Joe average bother to use them - preferring to chuck up some grass.....


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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As wind direction can be variable in terms of speed and direction, how much use would this actually be? Surely better to assess the conditions on each shot. As Augusta shows it can swirl so how does the map reflect that?


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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From me it is a great big NO to allowing any more mobile shot decision making technology. Allowing ANYTHING would open a huge can of worms. Part of the game is individuals assessment of shot conditions and impact on the players shot and decision making. Remove or significantly reduce uncertainty and you lessen our game.


Journeyman Pro
Nov 4, 2015
It does all get a bit excessive, does it not? I mean, yeah, I understand that a lot of money is envolved and that the pros want to have as much information as possible, but the amount of detail that goes into the player/caddie discussions before a shot is downright ridiculous on some occasions.

I watched a YouTube vid of a match that Ben Hogan played against Sam Snead (don't know when the footage was taken ... late fifties/early sixties I'd guess from the outfits). It was brilliant to watch. And they hit it close to the pins just fine without fuzzing around forever. (It was also cool to see the spectators ... they were literally sitting on the fringe of the greens, but they were totally well behaved and disciplined, without needing an army of 'quiet' sign waving marshalls to keep them in check.)


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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It does all get a bit excessive, does it not? I mean, yeah, I understand that a lot of money is envolved and that the pros want to have as much information as possible, but the amount of detail that goes into the player/caddie discussions before a shot is downright ridiculous on some occasions.

I watched a YouTube vid of a match that Ben Hogan played against Sam Snead (don't know when the footage was taken ... late fifties/early sixties I'd guess from the outfits). It was brilliant to watch. And they hit it close to the pins just fine without fuzzing around forever. (It was also cool to see the spectators ... they were literally sitting on the fringe of the greens, but they were totally well behaved and disciplined, without needing an army of 'quiet' sign waving marshalls to keep them in check.)

And just watch how quickly the likes of Bobby Locke putted. I don't know how their putting stats measure up against those of today's pros - but I'll bet they are not far behind - if behind at all.


Tour Rookie
Aug 28, 2013
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From me it is a great big NO to allowing any more mobile shot decision making technology. Allowing ANYTHING would open a huge can of worms. Part of the game is individuals assessment of shot conditions and impact on the players shot and decision making. Remove or significantly reduce uncertainty and you lessen our game.

While I'm in some agreement with you but, as with most things, the 'technology' genie is out of the bottle.

I was mere musing that perhaps rather than continually chasing technology with restricting rules we could just have a free-for-all.

It might be amusing too see what the next gadget might be - a player will still need to get two thing right - direction and distance.

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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I can't believe they are trusting a book to judge the wind. The direction can easily change at our place, not unusual at many places I suspect. What course has a fixed wind direction? Even on the same day it can change so what use a book?