What would you guys do?


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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I gave a lesson to a guy yesterday
7 iron 135-140 yds, h/cap 16, aged 45, and in good health

He had the following wrong...
Grip was very strong
Low takeaway
Very little wrist hinge
Sway off the ball in the backswing
right foot planted throughout the swing
Aim was 20 yds right with his feet but shoulders square

He's never had a lesson before and isn't keen on practice.
What would you do?


Club Champion
Jun 24, 2011
ellesmere port, cheshire
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I have been told i have a lot of things wrong like your student, but not by a pro....my mindset is, if i have lessons i will probably have to go back to go forward and spend a lot of time and effort practising what the pro tells me to, hence why i have shyed away from lessons so far.

Im no expert but i would explain to the guy that there is no quick fix and to change his swing for the better he will have to put time in practising, if he isnt prepared to do that then he is wasting his time having lessons.

Good luck Bob :)


Medal Winner
Oct 22, 2008
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I suppose you have to tell him something. With so many fundamentals wrong it would ruin his game changing so much. If it were me I'd still change his grip and work on his posture so he's not set up for pulls. He needs to know the whys of the changes. You run the risk of never seeing him again but he obviously wants to improve and you never know he night change his mind and start to practice. No point in quick fixing ;-) what did you do?


Money List Winner
Mar 6, 2011
Emerald Isle
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Im 42 not 45:D:D ........... tell him to stay hacking away &not waste your or his time, (maybe say it a bit more diplomaticaly) reason 1 is if he not willing (keen) to practice what you showing him its a waste of both ye'r time & his money . 2 & importantly when he & his friends see no improvement it will be your fault (according to him) & he will probably slobber to any gobshite that will listen that got lessons off bobmac & he is fecking rubbish .. neglecting to mention he didnt practice what he was shown ..


Tour Winner
Jul 20, 2011
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Not bad to get to 16 H/c. With that lot going on! If he will not practise what can you do? Not much I would have thought. Think I would tell him, if he will not practise. He is wasting your time and his money. Its true and to the point. What else can you do?


Aug 5, 2011
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Not bad to get to 16 H/c. With that lot going on! If he will not practise what can you do? Not much I would have thought. Think I would tell him, if he will not practise. He is wasting your time and his money. Its true and to the point. What else can you do?

Golf isnt a Vocation or rule, he doesnt need to practice if he doesnt want to, the Pro has a business and someone wants to buy his services, who's he to say no!

would the wedding tog tell the happy couple who keep pics in a drawer "if you dont frame all these and put them in prominent positions in your house your wasting my time and money", nah, he just takes the two grand and moves on :stillcantfindsmileys:


Money List Winner
Mar 6, 2011
Emerald Isle
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Take human nature tho Darth , who's fault will it be when the guy doesnt get better (in the customers eyes) it will be Bobs & it will be bob that gets the negative feedback.. is it worth that from a business point of view ? ok i know a pro needs customers but does any pro need a customer who has no intrest in practicing , how can the pro make him better if he wont put in the work himself ..

P.s the :D:( are when you go into reply there is a bar at the top of the box , its the 10th one over beside the A


Tour Winner
Dec 1, 2009
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Basics like grip and allignment could be looked at I suppose... but if he isn't willing to practice he'll probably not see much benefit and will simply fall back into old habits.

Or flog him some lawn bowls.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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Here's what I did.
Before he even put his shoes on, I asked him how I could help.
He said his driving and short game was good, he just wanted more consistency with his irons. The direction was ok, it was the contact that was the problem.
Then I watched him hit some balls and saw the sway and the right foot planted.

I asked him to try and work on turning better and finishing on his right toe.
The sway was reduced and he transferred his weight onto his left side nicely.
Because he was swaying he wasn't getting back to the ball causing the duffs and thins.
By the end he was striking the ball then the mat and getting a nice high flight. Happy bunny.
We chatted about the other things and even had a look at his putting which was actually very good :(
We finished off with a few drills that he can try on the course to help with the weight transfer and he was very happy that I hadn't changed too much.

The most important part of the lesson was the questions.
I knew I couldn't change too much as he didn't like practicing so had to keep any changes simple and easy to do.
Bottom line was he wanted to hit his irons better and by the end he was doing it. Job done.


Grand Slam Winner
Oct 17, 2008
Gods waiting room.....
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Here's what I did.
Before he even put his shoes on, I asked him how I could help.
He said his driving and short game was good, he just wanted more consistency with his irons. The direction was ok, it was the contact that was the problem.
Then I watched him hit some balls and saw the sway and the right foot planted.

I asked him to try and work on turning better and finishing on his right toe.
The sway was reduced and he transferred his weight onto his left side nicely.
Because he was swaying he wasn't getting back to the ball causing the duffs and thins.
By the end he was striking the ball then the mat and getting a nice high flight. Happy bunny.
We chatted about the other things and even had a look at his putting which was actually very good :(
We finished off with a few drills that he can try on the course to help with the weight transfer and he was very happy that I hadn't changed too much.

The most important part of the lesson was the questions.
I knew I couldn't change too much as he didn't like practicing so had to keep any changes simple and easy to do.
Bottom line was he wanted to hit his irons better and by the end he was doing it. Job done.

I could have told him all that and wouldn't have charged him £35.00 for the pleasure


Money List Winner
Mar 6, 2011
Emerald Isle
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I asked him to try and work on turning better and finishing on his right toe.
The sway was reduced and he transferred his weight onto his left side nicely.
Because he was swaying he wasn't getting back to the ball causing the duffs and thins.
By the end he was striking the ball then the mat and getting a nice high flight. Happy bunny.
We chatted about the other things and even had a look at his putting which was actually very good :(
We finished off with a few drills that he can try on the course to help with the weight transfer and he was very happy that I hadn't changed too much.

But if he doesnt practic these Bob will he not just slip back into what he has been doing , in your opinion can you improve or correct a fault without practicing the changes ?


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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But if he doesnt practic these Bob will he not just slip back into what he has been doing , in your opinion can you improve or correct a fault without practicing the changes ?

I took great care explaining to him what he was doing and why it was causing him the problems.
I also explained very carefully how the weight transfer would improve his ball contact. It all made sense to him so he now knows what what he was doing wrong and how to fix it.
If something makes sense, there's more chance of someone sticking to it than a coach just saying "do this"


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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Darth, if you go to settings (top right) then general settings(left) the scroll down. select
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