What is wrong??!!


Head Pro
Mar 6, 2013
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Ok, Didn't think I would ever post video of my swing online but currently really struggling with my game and hitting it fat, thing, borderline shanks etc but feel I am doing nothing drastically different :confused:

First off - I do have a lesson booked for Sunday, but eager to get some input as it's driving me mad!

Hopefully it may just be down to bad shoulder (left one is strained) but I don't want it to be an excuse.

I generally play with a flattish swing, lay the club of and hit little draws like 1st vid but from nowhere I am hitting the ball shockingly (sure fish, lincolnquaker and Cheltenhamhacker would agree) and I am struggling to shot even double my handicap.


Today I went to the range and swang less laid off and this way actually was almost pain free but I feel it has me releasing the club early


Can anyone spot something that may be causing me all this grief? Which is best swing to stick with etc.

Pints and a free round at my club for anyone that fixes / helps me
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Head Pro
Mar 3, 2014
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Can't see anything off hand that would be the main reason for your inconsistency. When I go through the same, I always go back to fundamentals. That means grip, stance, alignment, ball position. There's an old saying that 90% of a shot can be wrong before your backswing if your set up routine is wrong. I'd look at that first and see if there are any basics that have anomalies before dissecting the swing. I have a bad habit of letting the ball position creep forward too much in my stance - when it does, it's usually apparent from inconsistent strikes. A quick tune up of the fundamentals from the watchful eye of the pro usually does the trick.
Wish you luck.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Difficult to see at this size and lighting and just the dtl. No real way of telling where ball position, shaft angle, grip, hands in relation to the ball is etc, would really need to have a look from the front on too. Good swing motion in general. Pro will soon check and sort you out, could just be slight things off a little at set up.

The only thing that maybes looks a bit awry, (but as said from this angle and darkness difficult really to see, looking at the driving range swing the others too quick a clip and too small to see anything really) is the very first move away.
It seems from this something to be maybes be going on there that shouldn't be perhaps and this may only be down to set-up anyways.

Coming into impact from this angle it appears (whether it's so or not impossible to tell from this really) but seems as if there may well be a little too much weight on your right hand side still at parallel delivery position coming into impact, almost as if there's a bit of a lean back and a tad of trying to help the ball up a little.
But in truth it's difficult to tell from this.
Would be interested to hear what the Pro said?


Head Pro
Mar 6, 2013
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Thanks again, already glad I posted now!

Think I move my hands away from body at the start of back swing and again kudos as My weight does stay on my right foot - probably blame that on all this positive angle of attack theory for better drives as from the end of the season that what I had been trying. A month or so ago I found myself being very low and right behind the ball. That gave me big drawing high drives but I started hitting irons about 2inches fat and 2 inches from inside!

For info, my grip is good - first thing I checked.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Thanks again, already glad I posted now!

Think I move my hands away from body at the start of back swing and again kudos as My weight does stay on my right foot - probably blame that on all this positive angle of attack theory for better drives as from the end of the season that what I had been trying. A month or so ago I found myself being very low and right behind the ball. That gave me big drawing high drives but I started hitting irons about 2inches fat and 2 inches from inside!

For info, my grip is good - first thing I checked.

Glad it might have helped a little.

And yes if path is coming pronounced a deal from the inside it can also tend to get far too shallow so ground first contact can be a definite problem, also as it's really shallow you can feel that you sort of need to try to help the ball up a bit so start to lean back a tad into impact.
And if it's a good deal from the inside it will feel that you're very close to the dreaded heel contact as from the inside that's what's leading first into impact if your not very careful.

On the positive AoA with the driver that's a definite good thing to go for have a few posts on here somewhere about that already.

But that's best largely taken care of from set-up, ball teed a ball above top of driver and off left heel.

And making sure that you haven't forgotten that there are 2 spine angles involved, the obvious forward lean but also the spine tilt away from target so everything right shoulder, hip, right arm, right knee, lower than the left.
You have to keep that spine tilt away from target right the way through into impact.
Important too that the right arm is soft, flexed at elbow and not straight, as if it is straight the shoulders end up being too level and there's a danger of them being a tad open too. So if you looked in the mirror at your dtl you'd see the top of your left forearm over/higher than your right.

Can help rather than focus on hitting/swinging up at impact, focus more on the low point of your swing arc being 2 to 3 inches before your club-head arrives at the ball and swinging through so if there was a 'ghost ball' teed up 2 inches forward and 1 inch higher than the actual ball you'd swing through both of them.

Good luck with the lesson, hope it goes well. :)
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Head Pro
Mar 6, 2013
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Think that's camera angle, neither shot started left. 1st vid starts right and draws about 10 yards, 2nd vid is straight.

Club face is shut though :(
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One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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For my unqualified opinion :mad:

The only thing I will add is that if your issue is hitting the ball heavy (fat), you should look at your weight transfer. If you look at these stills of your swing at impact, your back foot hasn't lifted:



Again, poor light and camera angles accepted, but to my untrained eye, it doesn't seem that you are moving your weight correctly in the downswing, resulting in you hitting behind the ball.

Do you sway off the ball in the back swing?


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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this might help! pause it on the take away and half way back position. looks closed to me!


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Weight transfer - massive difference and great ball striking at the range thus lunchtime.

lesson on Sunday so will see what else there is to do.

Glad to hear it's going a lot better, as said thought you were staying back a bit on that right side and being forced to come up a bit at it, you wouldn't have been quite able from there to get that face coming down at the right AoA to get the strike you would be looking for. Looking promising for Sunday now, hope it continues to go well.


Head Pro
Mar 6, 2013
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Well......... Looks like range every day this week before comp next weekend - big changes.

Weak grip.
Legs too bent.
My weight was on my heels a touch.
My weight was on my right side through impact.
My wrists were breaking and arms rolling too much on takeaway.
Very handsy.
My alignment was to the right - now feels like I am aiming 40 yards left!
Not clearing my lower body.

So, I am now I Have a Stronger grip, straighter legs, trying to keep my wrists solid and clear my lower body for downswing. Almost feel like I have to come over the top but the video showed I was very on plane.
Went out and played back 9 after lesson and shot level par (14 putts).

Instant improvement in consistency, just feels a bit strange at the moment. Hopefully a week of lunchtimes will engrained the feeling.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Well......... Looks like range every day this week before comp next weekend - big changes.

Weak grip.
Legs too bent.
My weight was on my heels a touch.
My weight was on my right side through impact.
My wrists were breaking and arms rolling too much on takeaway.
Very handsy.
My alignment was to the right - now feels like I am aiming 40 yards left!
Not clearing my lower body.

So, I am now I Have a Stronger grip, straighter legs, trying to keep my wrists solid and clear my lower body for downswing. Almost feel like I have to come over the top but the video showed I was very on plane.
Went out and played back 9 after lesson and shot level par (14 putts).

Instant improvement in consistency, just feels a bit strange at the moment. Hopefully a week of lunchtimes will engrained the feeling.

Good to see you're back on the road to getting things turned around and in better shape, hope it goes well :)