Uncalled for comments


Money List Winner
Sep 18, 2010
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God people are sensitive and so easily offended. just ignore it and move on.

Wouldnt just outright ignore.

IMO the delivery was wrong, could have been given as good advice in much better way. Maybe a constructive 1 on 1 conversation based on observation?


Occasional Tour Caddy
Nov 20, 2011
Port Louis
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Bottom line is only you & he know what the context/tone was (humor can be delivered dead-pan, there’s not always a Ba Dum Tsh to let you know)

How did you react/what did you say, what did he reply? These answers would’ve confirmed for you what the original intent was in his comment

If you didn't do or say anything or react in anyway.... well you'll never know i'm afraid & we're not much help


Assistant Pro
Jul 24, 2017
Aylesbury, Bucks
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To those that have said to not be sensitive or offended, I was neither of these, but did think that the comment made was ill considered.

The point of this thread was more to the point that some guy that I do not know and have never played with, made such a comment in the way that he did.
I would totally understand if our group had been holding up play (which we weren't - we kept up with the group in front and at times were waiting on the tee for said group to hole out).
I'd also understand if I continuously sprayed the ball left or right from the tee or fairway, again this was certainly not the case except for a few wayward shots...something that the vast majority of us are guilty of.


Occasional Tour Caddy
Nov 20, 2011
Port Louis
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You say you're not offended but it does sound a wee bit like it got to you more than you've admitted to

So what’s more likely:

• Some bloke you don’t know and doesn’t know you, overhears a conversation he’s not part of and decides to add an unhelpful & untrue comment anyway
• There was lots of post round socializing going on and one liners flying and it was intended as banter (or even helpful advice) and was made with a poor delivery
• The only other scenario I can think of is that it was a comment between him and his mates & you weren’t supposed to hear at all

Either way it doesn’t sound like you’ll lever find out so best put it behind you


Please don’t ask to see my tatts 👍
Dec 12, 2013
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If the comment came from a member of your socialising party I would of took it as banter. However it didn't. The bloke is a pig ignoranus. If you know you of your faults and are new to the game fellow members should be helping you.

Face breaker

Q-School Graduate
Mar 18, 2015
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My centiments exactly 'arrogant as f#*+' gladly I can say I've not experienced any of this sort of behaviour at our club but then I do work at the club (green keeper) and I'm not the most approachable of people at first glance, 14/15st and 5'9 of ex-boxer/biker meathead, I got arms like a silverback, hands like Devon shovels and a skin head, I'm a nice bloke though when you get to know me, honest !... :whistle:


Journeyman Pro
May 14, 2014
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I usually find a comment to fire back in response at times like these. If it can illicit some laughter from the others in the group as well so much the better.


Head Pro
May 18, 2009
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The OP, from my interpretation, suggests it wasn't banter... if so then the guy is a disgrace to club golf... if it's banter, then pretty standard joke...

We sit here and wonder why club golf in the country is in decline when people suggest someone is being overly sensitive or should man up in these situations..? I would suggest this is one of many other reasons why the game is in decline at a club level and golfers have a pretty poor stereotype...


Money List Winner
Apr 7, 2012
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Best think up a good reposte when someone throws in a comment like that. Maybe turn it into a joke, and make him look like a knob. Equally, if you're struggling to hit mid irons and woods yet waiting for every green to clear before you then don't reach the green with your second shot maybe he has a point. Badly put but maybe a bit of self analysis might suggest there's a grain of truth...

I agree with all of this, but you better to get used to the sarky comments.
As you'll probably get them regularly from your new found best mates, and you never know he might just be one of them. :thup:
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Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Whether it was or not I'd take it as banter. But just be aware of what you are doing when playing and play to your actual abilities and not what you'd like to be able to do.

I played 13 holes with a 20+ handicapper this evening and just talked him through his game management.

So on one par 4. He'd hit his tee shot to the middle of the fairway - he was pleased. So minimise risk of wasting the good shot was what a chat revealed he was most worried about. But talking the shot through with him we picked on a spot on the fairway about 60yds out. He hit an 8i. He hit it well but not straight - but it wasn't club enough to get into trouble off the fairway. Hit still had a 70yd 3rd and successfully hit onto the green (anywhere on the green we decided was the plan). Then 2 putts and a 5 - a 4 with his shot. He says he'd never played the hole that way - and had never thought about playing it as he did this evening - and said was ALWAYS chuffed to get a 5 - it was rare for him. He said he'd rarely had such an easy 5 as he had today. Just by playing to, and indeed within, his ability.

We did this all 13 holes - he thanked me profusely when we finished.

That's what minimises such banter...:)
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Assistant Pro
Jul 24, 2017
Aylesbury, Bucks
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SILH - thanks for those details, it's guys like you that really help the no so good players improve.

I totally get the banter thing with friends & PP's. In fact, my regular PP / friend and I are constantly taking the piss & trash talking each other throughout our rounds (whilst also giving encouragement and recognition of well played shots or holes). BUT from someone that you don't know from Adam and have never met before, it's a different matter.
My guess is that he has a small penis and is trying to make up for it with such talk :D


Occasional Tour Caddy
Nov 20, 2011
Port Louis
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SILH - thanks for those details, it's guys like you that really help the no so good players improve.

I totally get the banter thing with friends & PP's. In fact, my regular PP / friend and I are constantly taking the piss & trash talking each other throughout our rounds (whilst also giving encouragement and recognition of well played shots or holes). BUT from someone that you don't know from Adam and have never met before, it's a different matter.
My guess is that he has a small penis and is trying to make up for it with such talk :D

The Irony of it. Two wrongs don't make it right you know

I've said already you had the chance to deal with it at the time and see if it was misunderstood banter, misplaced advice or an outright insult

Now its tough to tell you both apart

Deleted member 21258

Sounds like friendly banter to me, I would have just laughed at it and moved on in life and probably not even thought about it again(whether he was serious or it was banter).


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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SILH - thanks for those details, it's guys like you that really help the no so good players improve.

I totally get the banter thing with friends & PP's. In fact, my regular PP / friend and I are constantly taking the piss & trash talking each other throughout our rounds (whilst also giving encouragement and recognition of well played shots or holes). BUT from someone that you don't know from Adam and have never met before, it's a different matter.
My guess is that he has a small penis and is trying to make up for it with such talk :D

Quite a number of players will tell you playing the hole as my buddy did last night is no fun, boring, too conservative - you've got to be going for shots - well yes - I agree to an extent. But my buddy took great personal satisfaction and encouragement from finding out that he could get a 5 quite easily on one of our hardest par 4s by thinking about the hole and his play on it differently. Key was him telling me that his big worry after hitting the good tee shot was then messing up and not making the best of the shot. So we talked through how he could. And he did. And he did it by playing an 8i for his second shot when he still had well over 220yds to go to the green. That didn't matter - the green wasn't his objective.


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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Maybe it was an attempt at banter but it's still pretty bold to say that to someone you don't know, not knowing how they'll react. Definitely not needed in my view. Sounds like one of those pompous old-timers who thinks he should have the course to himself every week.


Tour Rookie
Apr 4, 2013
Tough to know what to do in this situation unless you are there.
But maybe give people like this the benefit of the doubt the first time it happens. Chalk it down to being banter. Or bad delivery of advice?
If it becomes consistent, either have a go back at him or ignore him.

Maybe find out if he has his name on any of the honours boards and make a quip about it next time he puts you down?!


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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You say you're not offended but it does sound a wee bit like it got to you more than you've admitted to

So what’s more likely:

• Some bloke you don’t know and doesn’t know you, overhears a conversation he’s not part of and decides to add an unhelpful & untrue comment anyway
• There was lots of post round socializing going on and one liners flying and it was intended as banter (or even helpful advice) and was made with a poor delivery
• The only other scenario I can think of is that it was a comment between him and his mates & you weren’t supposed to hear at all

Either way it doesn’t sound like you’ll lever find out so best put it behind you
I am a six hcap golfer retired got down to one once .
Had a busy day sat rushing round got on 1st tee with no time to spare.
Topped my drive only just past the ladies tee.
Three wood just short chip and putt easy four.
The stick I got for that tee shot was brutal they did not want to know that I pared it.
Its not only high cappers who get stick it's just part of club life.
My time will come to give it back just bide your time.

General Fade

Medal Winner
May 16, 2015
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Hi GaryK

Firstly I would suggest chilling out a bit. Whatever the comment you'll get them at whatever level you'll play at.

Secondly think about what your complaining about, it would seem a you take offence to a "supposedly better" player than you scorning you game and in your post you reference the thread to the good guys (and girls).

Why do the girls have to be bracketed?

Forget the cocks and concentrate and focus on the birdies (golf wise)

Best, Fade