Top five films of all time

Rocky 1-3
One flew over the cuckoos nest
The Wanderers
Happy Gilmour :D
Shawshank Redemption
As good as it gets (Carol the waitress , meet Simon the fag)
Saving Private Ryan
Magnificent Seven
LoTR - The Two Towers

Many others could easily make the list and probs will change my mind as I think of others too but I would always make an effort to watch these 5 if they are on.
I had my five in my head but reading down the posts has reminded me of a couple of gems.

1. Top Gun (I feel the need, the need for speed)

2. Shawshank

3. Green Mile

4. Saving Private Ryan ( I cried at that for some reason)

5. Say Anything (like John Cusack and this was great)
Not in any order

American Beauty


Pulp Fiction

Gangster number one

Lock stock & Two smoking barrels

To hard though, there are so many great great films
Local Hero (I'll make an excellent Gordon, Gordon.)
Gregory's girl (Go away you small boy!)
This Is Spinal Tap (Currently residing in the "Where are they now file")
National Lampoons Vacation (The Wagon Queen Family Truckster. You think you hate it now, but wait till you drive it.)
The Great Escape (cast alone was fantastic)
The original Star Wars trilogy (well it was one story wasnt it ;) )
Die Hard Series
Terminator 1&2 (3 was stretching it a little never mind 4.)
Rocky, Original film was very moody and got the neck hairs standing on end, well worth the nominations it received.
Some interesting choices there.

I will now give the definitive list, no arguments please.

Pulp Fiction (needs to be viewed several times to appreciate fully, but a masterclass in intelligent film making).
Alien Greatest horror ever. Sequels were not a patch on the original. Aliens threw out all the suspense and was just an action flick.
Lawrence of ArabiaEpic. Don't make movies like this anymore. Literally. If it was remade it would be all cgi. Great acting.
Life of Brian Need I say more. Funniest film ever.
Schindler's List Everyone should watch this. Powerful, frightening.
In no particular order.

The Longest Day, Battle Of Britain, The Dambusters, 633 Squadren. All of that kinda stuff. Not because of it's jingoism, patriotic nature, or for gloating. But because of how these events were portrayed cinematographically. Especially when compared to other favourite films like Platoon and Black Hawk Down. Or even Saving Private Ryan. The contrast in how these terrible events are portrayed couldn't be further apart.

Other films.

Flash Gordon
Tommy Boy
St Elmo's Fire
I never know whether to count trilogys as three films or one. If counting them as one then I would probably go with;

The Lord of the Rings Trilogy.
Star Wars Trilogy. (Originals, not the remakes and not the prequels.)
The Matrix.
The Shawshank Redemption.
Terminator 2: Judgement Day.

But it's so hard to pick just five.
hard one this, there are many more than five

For sheer fun,
Life of Brian (may be apocryphal, but 'Always look on the bright side' was supposedly sung on the deck of a bombed ship in the Falklands while awaiting rescue).
Johnny Dangerously
Undercover Blues
Blues Brothers
(the first one)

Schindlers List
Bridge on the River Kwai
We Were Soldiers/Saving Private Ryan
- these two for the same reason, the leads forgot about who they were and played the part

foreign films
Seven Samurai
Whiskey Galore

and I'll throw in Mr & Mrs Smith - I just like it
Angels with dirty faces
Apocalypse Now
Pulp Fiction
Twin Town
Full Metal Jacket

Special mention:
Madagskar II......wasted on children :D