Top five films of all time


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Jul 31, 2009
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What are your top 5 films so far?
mine are,

Wonderland..Val Kilmer the story of infamous pornstar John Holmes and the brutal murders he was allegedly involved with.
Lord of the rings 1/2/3... no explanation required
and finally
Seven Samurai..B&W classic which inspired The Magnificent 7
I've seen some great movies since I've been getting blu-rays from love film.

Particularly enjoyed

Shooter (saw this yesterday)
State of Play
Inside Man

Not likely to make my top 5 though.

In no order

Silence of the Lambs
The Departed
The Green Mile
Maybe Lock Stock or Snatch

Depends on mood t.b.h.
Aliens (best of the series by far)
Near Dark (criminally ignored in favour of the Lost Boys)
The Manificent Seven (great lines, great cast)
The Shawshank Redemption (Just Great)
Star Wars (The impact that had on me as a 7 year old was huge)
The Shawshank Redemption (Just Great)
Star Wars (The impact that had on me as a 7 year old was huge)

Two excellent choices, I must say.

Star Wars May 1977 - I was also 7. :(
Not definitive but 5 of my faves here -

1. Where Eagles Dare - Burton, Eastwood, Junkers flying through the snowy mountains, clifftop castles, fights on cable cars, fat lipped Nazis, the immortal line - "Broadsword calling Danny Boy" - fantastic!
2. It's a wonderful life - old, bit soppy but a fantastically uplifting film.
3. Shawshank Redemption - really good, justice prevails and we all feel good.
4. Donnie Darko - kid of weird but very compelling, really like this film.
5. This is Spinal Tap - one of the funniest films ever. "These amps go up to 11, so they're like one louder!" Right on my wavelength.

Forgot -Withnail and I, right up there in top 3. Classic.
Not definitive but 5 of my faves here -

1. Where Eagles Dare - Burton, Eastwood, Junkers flying through the snowy mountains, clifftop castles, fights on cable cars, fat lipped Nazis, the immortal line - "Broadsword calling Danny Boy" - fantastic!

A good call, I have that quote playing on my phone when a text arrives.
The usual suspects
Top gun
The matrix
Kingdom of heaven.

All films I have seen loads, but if they come on, I can't turn off.
1. Close Encounters of the Third Kind

2. A Few Good Men

3. Jaws

4. Crocodile Dundee

5. Toy Story 1,2&3

wow, thats a very hard ask!!

The life of brian ( he's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy!! )
The usual suspects (fantastic)
Shawshank (class)
Green mile (cried like a girl, but awesome)
star wars IV-VI(the first three, that are the last 3! lol)

but there are so many more, enter the dragon, bad boys 1 and 2, snatch, rocky, Godfather, casino, good fellas, the waterboy.......and on and on and on.......
In no particular order

Brokeback mou... Just kidding :)

ermm gotta be

the rock - (under rated film, recommend this to anyone who hasn't seen it!)

Lock stock / Snatch
Cinderella man
oceans 11 & oceans 13 (12 was awful!)