Tiring practice


Club Champion
Apr 2, 2008
France South West
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Hi to you all

Do you find practice sessions tiring?

Did about 3 hours interspersed by the odd coffee.

Mostly short irons and wedge shots, in fact only 4 with the Driver

Maybe hit 150 balls and YES I know quality is better than quantity but as usual I spent time on the green chipping and putting as well.

Had a lesson last week and wanted to groove it if possible.

I just find that physically I am tired at 57 should it be so?

Sometimes I think I get tense while practising not as relaxed as I should be.

How do you all find it?


I am a practice junkie. Off work this week and was going to play but decided against it. Instead I spent over an hour on a practice green (air temperature reading 2 degrees wind chill approximately -3) working on my putting. Started off trying to hole 3 footers (3 in a row) then onto 6 footers and then onto some longer putts.

I find my normal range sessions (anything between 80 and 175 balls over several hours with regular breaks). More tiring over the last few years. I put that down to being diagnosed as diabetic (and my near fatal pancreatitis in 2006) but maybe I am just getting too old for that quantity of work.

Like the OP if I have a lesson I feel the only way to make it stick is repetition ideally while the thoughts are still clear in my head and the muscle memory is there. I normally try to get as much range work in as possible after a lesson to make the changes as fluid and natural as possible before venturing onto the course to reap my reward
I think it is possible to over-practise, particularly on the range.

I usually use a basket of 70 balls, hit 3 balls with each club through the bag up to driver, hit about 10 drives and then dick about with pratising cuts/draws/punches/runners.
Are you physically fit? If not get yourself down the gym, it could do wonders for your golf game. Are you tired having walked 18 holes? The fact of the matter is you can only do what your body will allow, so don't over do it.
I think it is possible to over-practise, particularly on the range.

I usually use a basket of 70 balls, hit 3 balls with each club through the bag up to driver, hit about 10 drives and then dick about with pratising cuts/draws/punches/runners.

Hi there

Are you just keeping in the groove or practising something specific

Are you physically fit? If not get yourself down the gym, it could do wonders for your golf game. Are you tired having walked 18 holes? The fact of the matter is you can only do what your body will allow, so don't over do it.


Thanks and NO! Probabaly not.A stone overweight at least and just about fit enough to get round the course SO I think you make a good point,,,,,,Will I do anything about it? Well 1st Jan not far away!

Hi to you all

Do you find practice sessions tiring?

Did about 3 hours interspersed by the odd coffee.

Mostly short irons and wedge shots, in fact only 4 with the Driver

Maybe hit 150 balls and YES I know quality is better than quantity but as usual I spent time on the green chipping and putting as well.

Had a lesson last week and wanted to groove it if possible.

I just find that physically I am tired at 57 should it be so?

Sometimes I think I get tense while practising not as relaxed as I should be.

How do you all find it?



Hi dandpl
150 balls in a relatively short time of activity.
In a round of say 4 hrs of healthy walking and interaction high h/c players hit perhaps a hundred shots or more from different and often interesting positions.

People are often unaware of the exertion they put in when practicing. Homer adds variation but I believe predominently practices in the manner he would play the course. Time between shots/alternating clubs/walk about between shots. I myself only smack a few repetative warmers then get down to the same or similar method.
Repetition is tiring. At 57 your not odd by being tired after practice, but it may be the manner you practice. :)
I should also point out that I make a point of walking away from the practice mat after every shot. I use to be a range gunner and hit one after another. By walking away each time it gives me that 10 seconds to focus on the shot and outcome and then when I get back onto the mat it is a trigger. I go through my grip and alignment as though playing a shot. If I'm just practicing I'll pull the trigger but if I'm working on something I'll click in my swing thought and then go.
There is a cut off point on the range between practice & having a workout... There is only so much you can work on in a practice session before it starts becomming excercise

Somedays when its more of an adreneline rush I need I'll just keep filling up the basket... No point from the point of view of improving the game, but there is nothing like coming off the range slightly breathless, its quite a high.
I should also point out that I make a point of walking away from the practice mat after every shot. I use to be a range gunner and hit one after another. By walking away each time it gives me that 10 seconds to focus on the shot and outcome and then when I get back onto the mat it is a trigger. I go through my grip and alignment as though playing a shot. If I'm just practicing I'll pull the trigger but if I'm working on something I'll click in my swing thought and then go.

BTW Good point Homer :cool: