Thoughts on my Swing ?


Head Pro
Sep 9, 2011
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Hi all, long time since i've posted.

Been a good year for me, since June handicap has dropped from 14 to 5.
But, now that winter approaches i'd like to have something to work on other than short game.

Recorded two videos of me hitting today, although wasn't the best of days rhythm-wise.
if any of you swing experts spot anything that i could improve please let me know!

Cheers guys


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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good work on where you have got to so far. obviously you've made some good progress with a bunch of good things going on within the motion.

{can never do too much work with the short game}

what's giving you the issues when out in play, tee to green, where are the common misses?
the work you do over winter has to start with what major issues are stopping you from scoring/playing better.

do you get a bunch of shots with a starting direction that's left of target? often times stay left? longer stuff give you an issue by leaking out right some? is balance more of an ongoing issue - how tall are you?

if you working with a PGA pro good time to review the basics, posture at address looking at where the weight is favored. stance width. vertical height through the backswing. etc.

just from a first look, looks maybe that weight is favoring the toes little more at address - if that's so or to find out, when at address just rock back on heels feel where the weight is, rock forwards on toes feel where the weight is - ideally you want it in between those two extremes, through center. looks like the action may well be further pulling you out on the toes some through the swing.

to that balance-wise, given the motion is happening at speed to the front of the body with the weight of the arms + club moving at speed, the glutes, butt should do the important job - not only helping to provide a stable bass & a source of power - but of providing counterbalance. hard to tell entirely from the DTL view as the lay of the land, plus the angle it's shot at, plus parallax to get a real true vertical but would seem maybes that a vertical line drawn down touching the butt appears to hit the ground a ways close to the heel line.

need a solid lower body to support the rotation + arm swing, so centered weight through the feet which also need to be wide enough to have the legs a ways solid - stance appears to favor the narrow end of that spectrum so could possibly be just a tad wider (just looking at that one face on 4i).
balance, a solid base real important to a consistent solid strike out of middle.

a backswing is an aid to movement, tempo, rhythm apart for also setting the angles on a good plane & maintaining a decent natural width to the top. it's not in itself or should be really part of a move that's function is already while moving away from the ball trying to generate speed.

so tempo rhythm usual with most folks on tour to be somewhere about a ratio of 3:1 from the first movement away from ball & back to impact.

congrats on the move down the handicap index.


Head Pro
Sep 9, 2011
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good work on where you have got to so far. obviously you've made some good progress with a bunch of good things going on within the motion.

{can never do too much work with the short game}

what's giving you the issues when out in play, tee to green, where are the common misses?
the work you do over winter has to start with what major issues are stopping you from scoring/playing better.

do you get a bunch of shots with a starting direction that's left of target? often times stay left? longer stuff give you an issue by leaking out right some? is balance more of an ongoing issue - how tall are you?

if you working with a PGA pro good time to review the basics, posture at address looking at where the weight is favored. stance width. vertical height through the backswing. etc.

just from a first look, looks maybe that weight is favoring the toes little more at address - if that's so or to find out, when at address just rock back on heels feel where the weight is, rock forwards on toes feel where the weight is - ideally you want it in between those two extremes, through center. looks like the action may well be further pulling you out on the toes some through the swing.

to that balance-wise, given the motion is happening at speed to the front of the body with the weight of the arms + club moving at speed, the glutes, butt should do the important job - not only helping to provide a stable bass & a source of power - but of providing counterbalance. hard to tell entirely from the DTL view as the lay of the land, plus the angle it's shot at, plus parallax to get a real true vertical but would seem maybes that a vertical line drawn down touching the butt appears to hit the ground a ways close to the heel line.

need a solid lower body to support the rotation + arm swing, so centered weight through the feet which also need to be wide enough to have the legs a ways solid - stance appears to favor the narrow end of that spectrum so could possibly be just a tad wider (just looking at that one face on 4i).
balance, a solid base real important to a consistent solid strike out of middle.

a backswing is an aid to movement, tempo, rhythm apart for also setting the angles on a good plane & maintaining a decent natural width to the top. it's not in itself or should be really part of a move that's function is already while moving away from the ball trying to generate speed.

so tempo rhythm usual with most folks on tour to be somewhere about a ratio of 3:1 from the first movement away from ball & back to impact.

congrats on the move down the handicap index.

you're spot on with my misses, how did you know ? :D

i think you're right with the issue of weight on toes at address; was an issue earlier this year that was brought to my attention by my pro at the time. know some drills etc that should rectify that.

also agree with that of my rhythm, not really sure how i'd improve it to the 3;1 ratio.

could you explain the idea of the lower body movement a bit more ? thanks for the help !

another video from todays 73


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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But, now that winter approaches i'd like to have something to work on

Be careful not to be tempted to change something because it doesn't look right and being down to 5 there can't be too much wrong with your game.
However, if you have a problem in your game then by all means fix it.

Having said that, there is one question I would ask though.........

Is you contact consistent ?


Head Pro
Sep 9, 2011
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Be careful not to be tempted to change something because it doesn't look right and being down to 5 there can't be too much wrong with your game.
However, if you have a problem in your game then by all means fix it.

Having said that, there is one question I would ask though.........

Is you contact consistent ?

not as consistent as i'd like it to be. usual mishit's are either clean/thin or out of the toe. why do you ask ?


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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not as consistent as i'd like it to be. usual mishit's are either clean/thin or out of the toe. why do you ask ?

Thought so.
There's a fair amount of sway in your swing making it difficult to be consistent.
Try and keep your head still on your backswing and see if that improves your contact.

London mike 61

Challenge Tour Pro
Nov 18, 2013
Chigwell, Essex
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You may find that if you keep your weight on the inside of your right foot throughout the back swing, you won't sway away from the target.

At the moment, your right knee appears to move outside of your body line leading to the sway.

Lovely swing though, and great work getting your handicap down, well done.



Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
IMO you take the club away with the face a little too closed which makes for unnecessary 'timing' moves and your right arm is a little stuck into impact IMO. Normally people who take the club away a little to the outside of the hands do so because they have a mahoosive shoulder turn, you don't - so I would consider not doing it. As such I'd look at the position of your left arm at P2, it's very much to the inside, ideally (if you were following a swing model) that would be a little less.

Here's a pic of a swing where McIlroy is swinging with the clubhead outside his hands, you can see that his left arm doesn't work so much in towards his body as yours does, as a result he's able to swing on an easier (more repetitive) plane as his left arm doesn't get into him so much (more space).


No doubt your swing looks nice, loose and fluid, there's some potential there...... maybe :whistle:

Just my 2cents.


Head Pro
Sep 9, 2011
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Thought so.
There's a fair amount of sway in your swing making it difficult to be consistent.
Try and keep your head still on your backswing and see if that improves your contact.

You may find that if you keep your weight on the inside of your right foot throughout the back swing, you won't sway away from the target.

At the moment, your right knee appears to move outside of your body line leading to the sway.

Lovely swing though, and great work getting your handicap down, well done.


cheers chaps, tried to keep my head still today and have less sway and proved to be a very good ball-striking today ; will stick to it.

IMO you take the club away with the face a little too closed which makes for unnecessary 'timing' moves and your right arm is a little stuck into impact IMO. Normally people who take the club away a little to the outside of the hands do so because they have a mahoosive shoulder turn, you don't - so I would consider not doing it. As such I'd look at the position of your left arm at P2, it's very much to the inside, ideally (if you were following a swing model) that would be a little less.

Here's a pic of a swing where McIlroy is swinging with the clubhead outside his hands, you can see that his left arm doesn't work so much in towards his body as yours does, as a result he's able to swing on an easier (more repetitive) plane as his left arm doesn't get into him so much (more space).


No doubt your swing looks nice, loose and fluid, there's some potential there...... maybe :whistle:

Just my 2cents.

thanks for pointing that out. one of my main issues has been what you have mentioned. I haven't had a lesson in a while, so it's slowly crept its way back into my swing ! will work on it tomorrow - thanks for the help everyone ! :)