Things That Gladden The Heart

In the process of doing out our Kitchen and utility room.
We are in a declutter mood.
Looking at pots and pans, cooking stuff, bread makers etc etc with the rule that if it has not been used in the last 3 years it goes.

Looking at some nice serving dishes.
I say they should go as we have told everyone we are not doing Xmas/dinner parties etc any more.
My Mrs is looking for a reason to keep them and says 'they could come in handy for your funeral party'.

Party :o

I'd be very worried when she starts sending the invites out! :eek:
Hospital this morning for a routine scan and just outside the 30 minute free parking. Asked the attendant did I have to pay and he said "nope - I'll sort it" and out I drove with the £3 still in my pocket...nice chap :-)
Drove home from the golf club today and there were quite a few people on the various motorway bridges. Did a check as to why and found that the Gumball Rally was due down the M20 so HID and I popped down to the nearest bridge and watched a lot of serious money flying down the motorway.

Oh how I wish.......
Sitting out in the garden watching a young hedgehog eating slugs. He's been cleaning them up for a few weeks now. He also likes cat biscuits every now and again.
On here or on the water?
Both ;)
Live 400yds from the coast and for the past 2 weeks we’ve had a school of Dolphins nearby, local fishing boats now doing sight seeing trip so hopefully doing one this week.
Sitting out in the garden watching a young hedgehog eating slugs. He's been cleaning them up for a few weeks now. He also likes cat biscuits every now and again.

We have two that come each night as soon as it get dark. Took us a while to work out there was two of them. Saw them together last night for the first time. My Mrs buys 'special' hedgehog food for them I looked at the ingredients and they seem the same as the dry stuff we feed our daughters dog but 4 times the price.:whistle:

Red Squirrel spotted a couple of miles from my house. When we moved up 21 years ago they were quite a regular site but rare now.

Yesterday a weasel with a fat shrew in his mouth crossed a path a couple of yards in front of me. He stopped on the verge for a couple of seconds and gave me a 'whit are you lookin at pal' look before moving into the wood.