The Hulk...... errr Bryson Deschambau


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Oct 4, 2018
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Read that he ditched conventional beliefs about bulking and did mainly isolation lift rather than the normal compound movements. The hardest part is being consistent with eating the correct amount.
I'm sure wolf can shed more light on this than me.
Be interested in seeing that article you read, because to add serious size or strength compounds would form the largest base of a training schedule, it also depends on what he defines as isolation. He could for example say he didn't want to do Squat or deadlift compound moves to reduce risk of damage to his golf career (wouldn't risk it at all but we know hes a pedant) & instead decided to "isolate" his legs using presses however that would still by definition though using machine be a compound exercise as its movement multi joint across the hips, knees and ankle.

Without seeing what he's saying his training was I can only hazard a guess, but bulking up usually requires excess calories, big lifts + ancillary work including isolation moves.

North Mimms

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Apr 22, 2012
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I've just checked video of him, he's carrying a fair bit extra round his ribs and tum.
(bit like most of us....)
That's not where an athlete wants extra bulk.


Tour Winner
Aug 1, 2014
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Seems like he's been eating an absolute ton of calories and lifting heavy to put on that much mass so quickly, well, either that or he's really embraced his "The Scientist" nickname. Or both.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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I always thought that muscle mass like that wasn’t good for a golfer.
It must affect the way he swings or did swing.
Would it affect his touch ,short game ,putting etc.


Challenge Tour Pro
Dec 17, 2013
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Be interested in seeing that article you read, because to add serious size or strength compounds would form the largest base of a training schedule, it also depends on what he defines as isolation. He could for example say he didn't want to do Squat or deadlift compound moves to reduce risk of damage to his golf career (wouldn't risk it at all but we know hes a pedant) & instead decided to "isolate" his legs using presses however that would still by definition though using machine be a compound exercise as its movement multi joint across the hips, knees and ankle.

Without seeing what he's saying his training was I can only hazard a guess, but bulking up usually requires excess calories, big lifts + ancillary work including isolation moves.

The article was on GOLFNOW and it didn't actually mention any routine/set/reps/rest times/tempo but it was all isolation. I would've assumed he spent some time under the bar squatting, deadlifting, overhead pressing and cleaning some weight.


Tour Rookie
Jul 16, 2009
The Tayside Riviera
I always thought that muscle mass like that wasn’t good for a golfer.
It must affect the way he swings or did swing.
Would it affect his touch ,short game ,putting etc.
Didn't appear to affect him in a bad way from what I saw yesterday - he certainly scored better than the other bombers on a course that favours accuracy over length - Rory, Brooks, DJ etc.


Tour Winner
Aug 1, 2014
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I always thought that muscle mass like that wasn’t good for a golfer.
It must affect the way he swings or did swing.
Would it affect his touch ,short game ,putting etc.

I very much doubt it, the whole muscle is detrimental to golfers seems like a myth to me, no reason why it would have any negative effects. As long as DeChambeau is still practicing his short game and putting as much as he was before and hasn't just got obsessed with becoming a long driver he shouldn't see any negative effects from weighing 20lbs heavier.


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2018
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I always thought that muscle mass like that wasn’t good for a golfer.
It must affect the way he swings or did swing.
Would it affect his touch ,short game ,putting etc.
Depends how much mobility work he's been doing. It won't be purely strength and mass gaining work he's doing. It'll be proper strength and conditioning to keep mobility maximised. It won't impede his swing and his touch will certainly not be affected at all.

The article was on GOLFNOW and it didn't actually mention any routine/set/reps/rest times/tempo but it was all isolation. I would've assumed he spent some time under the bar squatting, deadlifting, overhead pressing and cleaning some weight.
I've managed to find the article, I think he's playing a bit of smoke and mirrors with his comments. He says he preferred to do isolation exercises as he could see the results easier. But that to me just suggests preference of exercises that were part of the overall programme.

His workouts would have certainly included compound work for explosive power just seems they weren't the ones he liked.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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I very much doubt it, the whole muscle is detrimental to golfers seems like a myth to me, no reason why it would have any negative effects. As long as DeChambeau is still practicing his short game and putting as much as he was before and hasn't just got obsessed with becoming a long driver he shouldn't see any negative effects from weighing 20lbs heavier.
I can see this.
I have put on a few pounds over the years after retirement.
And my short games better than it was.
It’s not muscle though.


Head Pro
Jul 22, 2015
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I think it's hilarious the criticism Bryson gets.

The guy works things out, comes up with his own methods and, whether they are correct or not, the fact he believes in them allows him to be successful.

He's ranked 13th in the world and has now been a permanent fixture in the top echelons in the game for about 3 years.

People, especially ex pros, are so quick to criticise him for doing things unconventionally. Certainly his short game looks awkward, and probably isn't a strength of his - but if he can hit 340 yard drives and leave himself a 7 iron into 16 par 5s over a 72 hole tournament, he's going to put a score together most weeks and compete and win a lot of money.

Obviously he could end up injury prone like other 'big guys' such as Tiger and Brooks - but at the moment he can make a run at tournaments and is doing pretty well.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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I think it's hilarious the criticism Bryson gets.

The guy works things out, comes up with his own methods and, whether they are correct or not, the fact he believes in them allows him to be successful.

He's ranked 13th in the world and has now been a permanent fixture in the top echelons in the game for about 3 years.

People, especially ex pros, are so quick to criticise him for doing things unconventionally. Certainly his short game looks awkward, and probably isn't a strength of his - but if he can hit 340 yard drives and leave himself a 7 iron into 16 par 5s over a 72 hole tournament, he's going to put a score together most weeks and compete and win a lot of money.

Obviously he could end up injury prone like other 'big guys' such as Tiger and Brooks - but at the moment he can make a run at tournaments and is doing pretty well.
I hope you don’t think I was critical of him.
I was just asking a question .
Aphibarnrat has changed this thing that big lads can’t play golf.
Stadler and others have been few and far between in professional golf.
It was more of a technical question ,weather this extra bulk would affect his swing.
He has obviously done his homework and come up with the right answer for him.

Looking on the Golf Montly website email.
His right elbow is now much out from his body ( flying) than his 2016) swing.
But jack had that and did ok.


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Nov 26, 2018
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See..those Honma bats just weren't right were they....:whistle:

I think the reason Rose dropped Honma was because he asked them who else was playing them and they showed him a photo of a fat, balding 50 something from Essex (i.e. me!) and thought "I can't be associated with that"!!


Head Pro
Jul 22, 2015
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I hope you don’t think I was critical of him.
I was just asking a question .
Aphibarnrat has changed this thing that big lads can’t play golf.
Stadler and others have been few and far between in professional golf.
It was more of a technical question ,weather this extra bulk would affect his swing.
He has obviously done his homework and come up with the right answer for him.

Looking on the Golf Montly website email.
His right elbow is now much out from his body ( flying) than his 2016) swing.
But jack had that and did ok.

No, wasn't a response to anyone on here.
Mark Roe is the one who springs to mind, who is very quick to criticise Bryson and his methods.


Head Pro
Jul 22, 2015
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I think the reason Rose dropped Honma was because he asked them who else was playing them and they showed him a photo of a fat, balding 50 something from Essex (i.e. me!) and thought "I can't be associated with that"!!

Thing is Rose won the Farmers in February last year with the Honma equipment. So I'm sure that would / should have eliminated any doubts. And it would have probably stopped any questions about the equipment, that is always likely add to the pressure or provide a bit of uncertainty.

The other big profile equipment change I think of is obviously Rory to Nike. At the time he was winning majors and I think was world no. 1. And in my view, it added pressure that he didn't need. One or two quiet weeks turns the pressure up and suddenly a season has gone by and he's barely been near a major.

I don't think that happened with Rose. He was just on top form in 2018 and it was always likely he would have a dip or some elements of his game would fall out of sync and need a bit of work.


Tour Rookie
May 3, 2011
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It's hard to know what to make of Bryson, he seems slightly odd.
However by identifying what wins pga golf tournaments, and singlemindedly pursuing it, he's certainly highlighting the cul de sac pro golf is heading down.
His Instagram mini film of his oddysey is performance art of the highest quality.
He plays to win, I think we're lucky to have him.