Swinging smoothly


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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This one's been bugging me for some time.
In the instruction pages of every mag, the Pro is always going on about taking an extra club and swinging smoothly.
Is it possible to swing smoother than normal without slowing down?
If not, then the slowing of your swing will mean the flex of your shaft is going to be wrong.
I was measured at 84mph with my 6 iron last year and play the DGS300. By swinging smoother/slower, surely my "new" swing speed requires the R300...? Now my stiff shaft is too stiff for the swing I'm making.
This has to affect the outcome of the shot doesn't?
And if it doesn't, why do we have different flexes of shafts..?

I've always struggled to hit these 3/4 shots with anything more than a wedge. I feel I need to make my proper swing to get the best results..



Tour Winner
Dec 1, 2009
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I always thought that what the pros mean by swinging smoothly is to not rush the transition. You'll still have the same club head speed at impact but the club will be on plane and the club face will be pointing roughly in the direction you intended :)

Not that it works for me mind ;)

User 105

Journeyman Pro
Oct 17, 2008
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That's how I see it as well. Taking out any jerkyness from the swing.

Smooth takeaway rather than snatch it back, Gradual slowdown at the top of the backswing, followed by a gradual increase in speed on the way down.

Not 'flicking' your wrists as you release.

Gradual decrease in club speed as you approach the end of the swing.

Everything just flows, no sudden changes in movement or direction.

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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I'd be intrestd in peoples thoughts on this also.

I'm in the process of making some changes to my swing and slowing my back swing is one of the (minor) changes I'm making, with a view to getting the club to the correct position at the top.

I've always considered a smooth swing one with a good rhythem. To my thinking the faster you swing, the more chance you'll lose your rhythem. I'm probably wrong and expect to be corrected shortly :D


Money List Winner
May 26, 2010
Gloucester, UK
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Agree with what's been said above.

One of my biggest issues is that my transition is FAR too quick and rushed...And thus when I do this, I might still get a decent-ish shot off, but it's not as good as it could be.

Recently been using 3/4 and half swings with my 8, 9 and PW from 100 yards and in, depending on the conditions, lie, distance and route to the green with great effect as it's a smooth, rhythmic swing with a crisp connection.

What I'm also finding is that my irons are going further. For instance, 5 or 6 weeks ago with my quick, out-in swing, my (full) PW would travel around 100-110 yards. Just recently, I've been air mailing greens from 100+ yards out, with my PW taking a less-than-full swing, but because I'm getting a pure connection and my swing is smoother, it's carrying further.

However, swinging smoothly, consistently is easier said than done. Especially when you've basically done it "wrong" for the last 19 years!

User 105

Journeyman Pro
Oct 17, 2008
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The other key to swinging smoothly is being loose and tension free.

I find if I'm under a bit of pressure, I tighten up, my swing gets rushed and jerky and invariably that results in a bad shot.

So when I'm under pressure my main thought is 'nice and smooth, nice and smooth'


Journeyman Pro
Feb 9, 2010
Newcastle upon Tyne
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Totally agree about being Loose and tension free. Went to the range last night feeling tired and stressed. Swing was all over the shop and out of 100 balls prob hit the last 4 decent.

Swing was defiantly knot smooth

User 105

Journeyman Pro
Oct 17, 2008
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I don't know if you guys find this as well.

If I'm trying to work on something new on the range because I'm thinking about that specific thing, movement, position etc I tend to really tighten up and loose any smoothness, so even if I do manage to 'do the change' the rest of my swing is off.

It can take me ages to make even the slightest change sometimes.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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I did a lot of work at the start of 2010 on slowing my swing down to a blur and used the tour tempo CD. Using the slowest setting (27/9) it forced me to almost have to wait for the second tone to initiate the downswing. By the time I moved up to the next setting (24/8) after weeks of having to slow everything down it felt much smoother. In essence I probably hadn't changed the length of swing but the rhythmn was much smoother and allowed me to make a better turn and more importantly gave me time at the top to make the change of direction and get the downswing into a better sequence.

It was a lot of hard work but something that needed doing. If you look at old videos of me on here then it was so, so quick compared to what I've got now.


Journeyman Pro
May 10, 2011
Mungos Corner
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I find when i take more club (in the wind for instance)and swing more smoothly,more often than not it produces a much sweeter strike.Obviously i'm finding the centre of the clubface more consistently with the smoother swing.
Now why can't i reproduce that strike with my normal swing ???????


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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I would love to know the right answer to your question too Murg.
Like you i find it hard to slow things down and if i do i dont commit and everything goes to pot...

I have slowed down my backswing to a very comfortable pace and its smooth but im finding id hard to start the downswing at this pace and to really pick the speed up a foot or 2 behind the ball...

I can do it if i fire my left hip to start the downswing everything feels very fast but smooth...

I feel in balance and it feels good until you put a ball in front of me :D :D..

Im guessing the hip thing is the proper move but its hard to replicate this while playing as its a move that im very conscious of doing to the point of it being alien to me....


Tour Winner
May 17, 2011
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Took out the tour tempo to the course today. Found it worked really well! 27/9 is working well for me but I will probably speed up to the 24/8. Find the short game tones harder to use though.


Assistant Pro
Jan 25, 2011
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My swing speed for a 6 iron is 82 mph - the chap at Mizuno said that was borderline regular/stiff.

I've just ordered a set of irons and chose regular.I feel that would gain me more distance and enable me to work the ball easier.

Sure others might think I'm a poof for using regular but I couldn't really care less.


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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My swing speed for a 6 iron is 82 mph - the chap at Mizuno said that was borderline regular/stiff.

Sure others might think I'm a poof for using regular but I couldn't really care less.

I bought Titleist and was borderline speed so the Pro had Project X 5.5's put in and I have found them to be just right.

Poof ?? if I could get 3 shots off my handicap I'd carry a pink handbag!!



Aug 5, 2011
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My swing speed for a 6 iron is 82 mph - the chap at Mizuno said that was borderline regular/stiff.

Sure others might think I'm a poof for using regular but I couldn't really care less.

I bought Titleist and was borderline speed so the Pro had Project X 5.5's put in and I have found them to be just right.

Poof ?? if I could get 3 shots off my handicap I'd carry a pink handbag!!


Haha made me chuckle.

I played with a 1 and 3 h/capper last weekend who both use regular shafts all their lives and both have 88+ swing speeds.

On swinging smoothly think smooth not slow, the 2 can be mixed up sometimes, Goosen starts slower but accelerates at a constant rate, that's the key, controlled acceleration, do you screech away at the traffic lights or accelerate at a controlled speed, once your on plane and started a smooth downswing you can go at it as hard as you want.