Swing video


Assistant Pro
Oct 20, 2013
North Cambs
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Just picking up my golf again, practiced for 3 months last winter and just picked up the clubs again in Jan - love the technical side of golf and the stats (have quite a addictive personality).

anyways here's my swing, have a pro who's great but struggling with weight transfer, dropping the left knee and coming over the top at the minute. I struggle on the course and am looking to break 100 in the spring with a bit of luck although can't currently transfer my game from the range to the course(av120).


Got the irons going today, but then struggled with the hybrids pulling them.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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always best if your able, to put up a swing view from face on as well as the dtl. realize that's sometimes a little ways difficult with space on a bay range.

thing that would help you next time you're practicing. take say a 7i get your set up, no ball at this stage.
& just ready your self to make a 3/4 backswing, at a good easy pace, but don't look down at where the ball would be look forwards if you're in a bay pick something forwards of you level with your eyes at this head up address position.
make the backswing with the goal of keeping you eyes level (same height) with the point you've identified is at the same level. then from the top just swing gently back down to where the ball would be & just through a 1' or so still looking forwards eyes at that level height.

do this a bunch of times only focus is looking forwards keeping your eyes level to the point you've identified.
when you make the backswing feel your right shoulder turns/rotates directly behind you, let your legs be moved by the turn - don't actively move them - the weight moves with your upper body turn/rotation but only into the inside of the right foot - don't let that weight pass on to the outside of the right foot.

key is keeping the eyes at the same height you started looking forwards at, maintain looking forwards throughout the bunch of drills that ways you'll easy notice when they don't & the height drops- that happens stop during the backswing go back to address position & start over until to get it down that looking forwards the eyes stay level with what you picked out to look at.

do this a bunch of times then bring a ball in make an easy 3/4 backswing swinging to full finish through the ball feeling your sole focus is maintaining that same level eyes feeling in the drill - but obviously this time your looking at the ball - but feel the eyes stay at the same level/height.

issue you have is you take the club back & in an effort to 'wind up' to hit the ball your legs are active straight off, leg knee working a ways down & out, so during the backswing you both drop in height & lean in & down towards the ball, the weight passes on to the outside of the right foot some. from your top position the reflex action in the downswing is to try to regain some height which will lead to issues with different kinds of contact/& direction.

focus on that level eye drill, upper body rotates, legs react to the turn back, start down 'feel' the head stays level just behind the ball as you swing down & through to finish 'in balance' club over atop your left shoulder.


Assistant Pro
Oct 20, 2013
North Cambs
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Coach, many thanks for your detailed appraisal and avice - which was not to disimilar from my pro's i've managed to keep the posture whilst maintaining the weight transfer.

Working on tempo now and letting the weight shift start the back swing as, i guess trying to 'load-up' as i dentifed by yourself.

The great thing about just starting out, is i'm seeing big progress in the swing at my alternate weekly check-up/lesson.

Will update with a video soon, and thanks again for the advice.
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