Swing h3lp pls


Oct 16, 2016
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I've been playing for about 3-4 months and I've spent the entire time stressing about the fact that I cannot fix my swing. I'm surprisingly consistent and accurate and hit a majority of pure shots even though my swing is hideous. My friend took a slow motion video on his iPhone the other day at the range and I notice that I don't really get any width in my swing at all and that my right elbow is stuck against my side. As you can see in the video, the club shaft is nearly resting on top of my shoulder at the top as a result and it's something I obviously need to work on.

I went to the range today for an hour and tried to consciously separate my right arm from my torso but it just resulted in my right arm going all over the place and me not hitting any good shots at all.

Now I'm home and had time to mull over it some more I've realised that my posture is absolutely disgusting and I was wondering whether or not that might be the cause of such a horrendous swing. I don't have a particularly noticeable hip hinge and my back is a little bit more rounded than it should be (though I also have spinal erectors that protrude out quite a lot so I'm not sure if they just give that illusion)

Any other suggestions would be appreciated.

Comments telling me to get a haircut will not.


Thanks brehs xxo


Oct 16, 2016
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Yer that seems about right, I bend my right arm straight away during the takeaway and it just stays where I've set it against the side of my torso.

Thanks a lot chum


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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The good news is you don't hit the ball on the backswing so it's not hugely important in comparison to the downswing and impact position.
The impact position is largely dependent on the change of direction into the downswing and I know many good golfers who would kill for your downswing. Seriously.
One thing you will never do is slice the ball.
Just because your backswing isn't perfect that's no reason to change it.
If you start hitting shots too far to the right, then maybe, until then leave well alone.


Oct 16, 2016
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The good news is you don't hit the ball on the backswing so it's not hugely important in comparison to the downswing and impact position.
The impact position is largely dependent on the change of direction into the downswing and I know many good golfers who would kill for your downswing. Seriously.
One thing you will never do is slice the ball.
Just because your backswing isn't perfect that's no reason to change it.
If you start hitting shots too far to the right, then maybe, until then leave well alone.

My weak shot is a straight push to the right by a mile, I also have a hard time being as consistent with my woods as I do with my irons. I understand that's the usual case but with my woods my over-swing gets ridiculously exaggerated due to shaft flex/club length and my weakness with woods is to hit low left duffs that skim the grass for about 50 yards.

I can't imagine that I'll loose a lot of my lag on the downswing as a result of implementing what was shown in the video because having a good lag and a relatively good downswing path has never been much of a weakness for me. My only worry would be with a much less shallow backswing I'd fear that I might start coming over the top and start hitting pulls and slices, but I think my shoulder turn is sufficient enough to negate this.

Pls tell me if I'm wrong though.


Nov 16, 2011
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Looks pretty good for a 'beginner'! Wrists get a little floppy at top of backswing, which could cause a loss of control - especially in longer clubs.

But get a hair cut! Or at least put it in a, Marcel Siem/Jiminez style, pony-tail! :whistle:


Oct 16, 2016
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Looks pretty good for a 'beginner'! Wrists get a little floppy at top of backswing, which could cause a loss of control - especially in longer clubs.

But get a hair cut! Or at least put it in a, Marcel Siem/Jiminez style, pony-tail! :whistle:

I imagine they'd be a lot less flippy if I didn't set my wrists so early like I do. My swing is only alright because I've played cricket for over a decade so the mechanics are relatively similar to batting, but cricket is probably what has ingrained the habit of keeping my right arm close to my body


Tour Rookie
Jun 28, 2016
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One of my swing thoughts is keeping my right arm tucked in and connected to my body

a flailing right arm causes far more trouble than a tucked in surely


Oct 16, 2016
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One of my swing thoughts is keeping my right arm tucked in and connected to my body

a flailing right arm causes far more trouble than a tucked in surely

I've deleted the video now I've got an answer but mine was horrifically bad. My right arm would bend immediately on my takeaway and my elbow would be completely glued to the side of my chest and I had zero width


Nov 16, 2011
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I imagine they'd be a lot less flippy if I didn't set my wrists so early like I do. My swing is only alright because I've played cricket for over a decade so the mechanics are relatively similar to batting, but cricket is probably what has ingrained the habit of keeping my right arm close to my body

Always pretty easy to tell those that have played cricket well/seriously - especially with the Driver! I was picked as a hockey player after 2 swings by the 1st Pro I encountered - might even have been Doon!!