swing comments welcomed


Club Champion
Jan 20, 2009
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Thanks again for the comments.

I've never liked a past parallel backswing and will be looking to sort that immediately, I think it comes from trying to raise the arms instead of turning the shoulders correctly as you say.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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I cant seem to get the hands to stop coming inside immediately after P1 however, I feel like I'm picking the club up but the video still shows the club going behind me too far with the wrist rolling.

One thing worth considering to help eradicate the wrist rolling so you can more easily stay on plane & connected going back up to the top.

If from first move away you can feel that your left shoulder left arm & club all start to move more as one, so the left upper arm stays connected to chest & the left & right wrist don't change their angles in any way, as the whole 'arm triangle' stays the same shape as the right shoulder just turns behind you. Against the resistance of a still flexed right leg.

If you just try this move in real slow motion (you're only just rehearsing this particular short move, not making any further swing motion) until the hands are only just on the outside of the right thigh you should find yourself (because of the turn) pretty much nearly at PP1 (have that club or stick down off the right toe & parallel to ball/target line so you can really monitor it)

Then you just to feel your left heel pad (which with your grip should be on the topside of the handle) presses downwards on the top of the handle, you'll find if you do this correctly that your left hand will set properly, thumb working upwards to point skywards. (so the left hand is only making that up & down motion you would if there was a hammer in your left hand & you were just tapping a nail in with a little up & down motion, you wouldn't move the hand, bend it left to right to tap the nail, neither would you roll the wrist to tap the nail in)

So if you can keep the hands/wrists completely quiet to retain the left wrist angle you have at address, with the left shoulder/arm/club more initiating the move away as that 'arm triangle' moves away intact, right shoulder turning until the hands get just past the right thigh, then just gently press that left heel pad downwards on the topside of the handle the left wrist will set ' thumb up' to put you on a good plane.

So then when the left arm is horizontal to the ground, it will be more parallel to the toe line (& that club/stick on the ground) & your hands will be opposite the middle of the chest more (so what you hear golf commentators say 'more in front of you' so swing on a much better neutral but slightly steeper plane to the top.

Then as I said before from this left arm horizontal position all you then have to do is to continue the shoulder/body turn, & just let that turn 'carry' the arms & club to the top.

Everything (body arms & club) then will more easily stop together at the top when that turn stops. You'll end up then still connected with the body turn, arms & club a little ways short of parallel.
Much easier then to start transition from the left, ground upwards, so everything is much easier to stay connected & timed on the way down into & through a good solid impact position.