Just finished reading Jezz's article 'Picture Perfect' in which he talks about how many clubs sell themselves short with dreadful half cocked pictures on the club website.
How true this article is and it is a huge bugbear of mine with my own club,I have on numerous occasions told the Board that the pictures that are on our website are nothing short of horrific and our biggest asset(the course)has to be marketed in a better way but despite me repeatedly banging on at them about how poor our website is (especially with lack of good quality pictures to seduce the possible golfer) and promises of changes the website remains terrible.(Was this article penned after checking out the venue of the GM England v Scotland Jezz??!!)
As a person who when picking new courses to play on lads tours always uses the look of the course on the club website as a yardage stick I feel that what I am telling them is correct and I can't tell you how much is pisses me off to see our site is still not doing what it should do to entice people to come and play.Indeed I had kinda given up on trying to get my message across until I dropped another huge hint at a meeting last week with our Captain!!
Time I think to drop this great article in front of the clubs main shakers noses to see if this might do the trick and get that rocket up their stuck to the seat arses!!
How true this article is and it is a huge bugbear of mine with my own club,I have on numerous occasions told the Board that the pictures that are on our website are nothing short of horrific and our biggest asset(the course)has to be marketed in a better way but despite me repeatedly banging on at them about how poor our website is (especially with lack of good quality pictures to seduce the possible golfer) and promises of changes the website remains terrible.(Was this article penned after checking out the venue of the GM England v Scotland Jezz??!!)

As a person who when picking new courses to play on lads tours always uses the look of the course on the club website as a yardage stick I feel that what I am telling them is correct and I can't tell you how much is pisses me off to see our site is still not doing what it should do to entice people to come and play.Indeed I had kinda given up on trying to get my message across until I dropped another huge hint at a meeting last week with our Captain!!
Time I think to drop this great article in front of the clubs main shakers noses to see if this might do the trick and get that rocket up their stuck to the seat arses!!