Struggling with lag putting. (V-easy)



Few weeks ago, got myself a V-easy. Since then my putting has got formidable (Bob are you listening). Last week, one of my mates commented on my putting, now he wants a v-easy (Bank details for commission to follow).

These days I normally 2 putt or better. However, I have realised that I struggle with lag putting. When I step up to the putt, in my minds, I hold on to an imaginary v-easy. This means I get my elbows in to 'squeeze the v-easy'. However, it means that I dont have too much of an arc to work with. Hence I end up speeding up the club - almost a high speed hammering action. Once the ball gets into the 15 feet, then Bobs your uncle.

Any advice on lag putting?

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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Any advice on lag putting?

Try and hit it 2 feet past.

A drill I use when I practice lag putting is to put a tee in the green about 2 ft past the hole. The idea of the drill is to try and get the ball to finish between the hole and the tee I.E past the hole giving it a chance to go in, but not so far past as to make it trickty.

Hope this helps :thup:

Edit: Bob posted a video a while back of a putting stroke that got longer, for longer putts, but idn't increase in speed. I can't find it at the minute, I'll keep looking!
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Bob... u r right, I have a short backswing. If I use the v-easy and increase my backswing, my left shoulder starts dipping a lot. Am I doing it right.

I use the v-easy every day for some carpet putting.. has transformed my putting. I sometimes worry, i might go blind if I play with it too much..


Try and hit it 2 feet past.

A drill I use when I practice lag putting is to put a tee in the green about 2 ft past the hole. The idea of the drill is to try and get the ball to finish between the hole and the tee I.E past the hole giving it a chance to go in, but not so far past as to make it trickty.

Good one Gareth

Hope this helps :thup:

Edit: Bob posted a video a while back of a putting stroke that got longer, for longer putts, but idn't increase in speed. I can't find it at the minute, I'll keep looking!

Bob, any chance of dusting your old videos out...