Stiff or Regular?


Tour Winner
Feb 27, 2010
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In season 2021 I played with a set of clubs that had stiff shafts and played quite well. A shaft snapped so I bought a new set, different and newer model, same make, (second hand) that were regular shafted (and supposidly more forgiving). The difference when playing has got me all of a tizz. The stiff shaft used to be dead straight up with PW and 9 iron then a fade would appear, so allowances used to be made when using 7, 6 and 5. The new set played during season 2022 was much straighter with 7, 6 and 5 but 9 and PW (scoring irons firing in to greens from easy peasy distance) used to pull left and therefore, annoyingly, miss the bluddy green, when I could have thrown the ball on.

Why? And I'm asking for advice. I don't want to mix the sets either.
Agree don’t know why you don’t want to mix sets, or what about just shafts?
How long is a piece of string..?
There are so many reasons that could fit the problem including but not restricted to....
Weight of shaft
Length of shaft
Bend profile of shaft
Profile of Head
Lie angle
Amount of offset
Sole thickness
Swing dynamics
Ball position
Strike location
In season 2021 I played with a set of clubs that had stiff shafts and played quite well. A shaft snapped so I bought a new set, different and newer model, same make, (second hand) that were regular shafted (and supposidly more forgiving). The difference when playing has got me all of a tizz. The stiff shaft used to be dead straight up with PW and 9 iron then a fade would appear, so allowances used to be made when using 7, 6 and 5. The new set played during season 2022 was much straighter with 7, 6 and 5 but 9 and PW (scoring irons firing in to greens from easy peasy distance) used to pull left and therefore, annoyingly, miss the bluddy green, when I could have thrown the ball on.

Why? And I'm asking for advice. I don't want to mix the sets either.

I’d look at flattening the lie angle of the clubs going left before doing anything else. Or maybe just set up with them a tad open.
The biggest issue is that there is no industry standard when it comes to golf shafts. Some regular shafts are as stiff (profile wise) as some stiff shafts etc.

Shafts are a bit of a minefield
Re your situation are they definitely the same lie angle? More upright will cause the ball to pull left.

Also a heavier shaft in the scoring irons may work better.

I found that I had to drop a lie code on Ping irons to compensate for your exact same issue. 8-G I would pull left.

We dropped from green dot to blue dot and boom - we got the desired results. My long irons stayed straight enough not to worry about blending in a set but Ping were willing to do this.
Re your situation are they definitely the same lie angle? More upright will cause the ball to pull left.

Also a heavier shaft in the scoring irons may work better.

I found that I had to drop a lie code on Ping irons to compensate for your exact same issue. 8-G I would pull left.

We dropped from green dot to blue dot and boom - we got the desired results. My long irons stayed straight enough not to worry about blending in a set but Ping were willing to do this.

You know your stuff. I've a feeling that the "new" regular shaft set are more upright because they claim to add an extra 10 yards...and the only way that can happen is.....I'll do some checking.
I'm back. Blimmin' google's great. It appears the lofts on the "new" clubs are 1 degree LESS. But I've discovered the the "new" (can I stop the ""?) ones are offset. Cor who knew? Maybe this would explain why the longer irons are straighter and the shorter ones mean a slight pull to the left.