Starting to draw the ball but my miss is now a pull


Assistant Pro
Jun 11, 2013
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Over the winter I have been working on some swing changes to get rid of fade(read slice) into something that is either straight or turning towards the left - it is going well, and while not quite my stock shot yet it is becoming a more regular sight for me (encouraging).

All this comes with really thinking about where I am aligning myself obviously in the best I would be aiming for the left edge of the fairway to give me self room for my old left to right flight. Now I am concentrating hard on lining my self with just right of the middle of the fairway (a strange and unknown place to be on second shot).

what I am finding though that now my miss is a pull left, the ball flight is bullet straight but just a pull (the best analogy of the direction is that it would fire straight over mid-on's head at cricket). I never used to pull the ball, and if I can get rid of this I will actually be happy with my driving for first time since taking up the game.

I wonder if it is to do with releasing the club head as that is one of the feelings I am trying to give myself, I am terrible at the releasing the club head, so I try to over exaggerate the movement, could this be leading to a pull?


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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When you fade/slice, the ball normally starts left and moves back to the right.
It starts left because your clubface is pointing left.
It then moves in the air due to the swing path moving even further left than where the clubface is pointing at impact.
So for a tee shot, your clubface will be pointing at the left hand side of the fairway (assuming you are aiming straight) but the direction of the swing is left rough.

It sounds to me as if your swing path is still left, but your clubface is now pointing left the same amount as your swing, therefor the pull.
Hope that makes sense.
To fix it, you need to either aim further right so the pull ends up down the middle or swing more out to the right so the path will be straighter.


Assistant Pro
Jan 24, 2015
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Late last year I had a lesson with my pro, changing my driving stance and let's just say everything. Ball on the front heel changed swing and my good shots were small draws but the bad ones were pulls. I to was fade slice hitter previously. I found and the pro told me that the pull was due to not following through properly. Meaning I would just be swinging round my body which would resulted in a pull. Hope this helps pal.


Tour Winner
Dec 1, 2009
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Late last year I had a lesson with my pro, changing my driving stance and let's just say everything. Ball on the front heel changed swing and my good shots were small draws but the bad ones were pulls. I to was fade slice hitter previously. I found and the pro told me that the pull was due to not following through properly. Meaning I would just be swinging round my body which would resulted in a pull. Hope this helps pal.

I think that's what happens to me too, so I'll be paying this thread some notice :)


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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sounds as if you may be aimed a little ways to the right of fairway check that aim is not just the foot line alone & the shoulders maybes still a little ways open to where your feet are aimed is one possible, as folks tend to swing on a path that's on a line of there shoulder aim, plus if you aimed everything else right but shoulders are open some you probably won't be making a 'complete' shoulder turn, so start down little ways out & over so still swing to the left of your aim some.

maybes you are completely aligned to the rightfield correctly but then could still be the pattern of the old little ways out to in, so even though body & club alignments are to the right you're still coming a little ways over the top a swinging to leftfield.
that could just be down that you don't really 'trust' yourself to swing on the path your aimed to, to the right, because rightfield through a slice shot pattern is what's happened in the past so subconsciously you kinda getting to the top & swinging left some but now path & face looking the same ways at impact.

if the path say is to the left 3º of the 0º aim line plus the face angle is also left 3º then the ball will start straight leftfield & stay on that line.

when you swing, you noticed any that the right knee kinda pops out towards the ball/target line some, so the right foot comes up little ways on the ball of the foot on the ways to impact?

when you hit a 'draw shot' does the ball start off on a line that's to the right of your aim line & final target point? or is it more starting in the direction of target & curving left some?
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Assistant Pro
Jan 30, 2015
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Bob and Darren are both right in my opinion. I'm no where near perfect with my driving but vastly improved due to my pro along time ago giving me 2 tips

1 Put a dot on the ball at 5 o'clock to the target line (7 o'clock for you I'm a lefty)
Aim to hit this dot, which makes you hit inside to out and contine this line to the finish for a nice draw, don't collapse the lead arm
2 keep the back shoulder passive, just let the arms drop, then whip the club through just before the ball. Seems to work well until I get too excited forgetting these 2 tips