Standing up during swing


Journeyman Pro
Aug 18, 2009
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For years i have struggled with this! On my downswing I have a tendency to lift my head and almost come into my heels and come out of my shot :angry:. Any tips or drills to eradicate this?


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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For years i have struggled with this! On my downswing I have a tendency to lift my head and almost come into my heels and come out of my shot :angry:. Any tips or drills to eradicate this?

do you have a strongish (trail hand under) grip hold of the handle at set-up? where are the "v's" of both hands pointing at set-up?

when playing reasonably okay what is the flight pattern curvature of the shots ?
and what is/are the most common shot flight direction/curvature issues of the destructive shots when things go a tad south?

reason I ask is ee (early extension) is most often caused by what happens before the downswing - meaning stuff that goes on in the early takeback of the club and subsequent top of the swing position & transition move - bunch of the time is also related to the grip hold orientation of the hands on the handle right from the get-go at set-up

as the loss of posture coming into impact is most times directly linked to the clubface orientation as it approaches impact in terms of it's relationship to target (closed/open & amount of loft on the face) plus the path plays into it

this is why it's something that's often times a consistent issue that seems impossible to cure - the instinct of the brain function is simply making this happen in order to get the clubface on the ball cause with the stuff that's preceded the swing just prior to impact if there was not the 'stand-up' and raise of the hands/handle so more vertical shaft the club head would not make contact to get ball somewhere's to the direction of target - it's more of a reflex compensation move to ensure the best contact under the circumstances of what went before

it's never really a 'lift-up' of the head - just starts with losing the pelvic posture (sometimes along with a strong lateral hip slide to target direction at transition) & legs over-straightening
which means the whole vertical height has raised up into/at impact means the head is a good bit higher than it started out at set-up

even if only for you to start to see what's goin down record your swing from behind (the dtl position) & if possible from a tripod that places the lens at approx hands height & directly behind the hands some 10' or so if the lens allows (too close & you get a bunch of parallax influences to perspective of body alignments etc)

then if you have analysis app draw a line atop the head and a vertical line on your butt and a line along the shaft at address then play through the swing & will see the butt come away from the line the hands/handle and shaft angle at just before impact will be a bunch higher (more vertical shaft) and the head position just before impact will have raised up higher than that set-up line marker
even if you don't have an app should still visually be able to see these differences

likely at this moments before impact that the hip line is still looking virtually parallel to target line - so the lead hip has not 'opened' (rotated clear to left - assuming RH player)

if these things are kinda what's goin down in the swing motion it's then real likely one or both hands are in too strong a position (rotated counterclockwise) on the handle at set-up

{unlikely from your index that you'd be hip spinning & standing up & leaning back onto trail leg into impact which can also be a reflex action cause to a ways too open face coming into impact - general flight would be over high with trouble shots goin leftfield so pull type shot results along with occasional high rights & slice type flight}

if can identify what's tending to go down with both set-up and motion then there would be a couple of things could look at doin - but really need to have more of an insight into the swing (obviously a dtl swing vid along with close-up of grip hold would help


Journeyman Pro
Aug 18, 2009
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Wow! What a response! I'm going to try and get to the range tomorrow night and get a few videos to see what's going wrong. I'll post on to this post aswell to get another opinion on things :)



Journeyman Pro
Aug 18, 2009
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do you have a strongish (trail hand under) grip hold of the handle at set-up? where are the "v's" of both hands pointing at set-up?

when playing reasonably okay what is the flight pattern curvature of the shots ?
and what is/are the most common shot flight direction/curvature issues of the destructive shots when things go a tad south?

reason I ask is ee (early extension) is most often caused by what happens before the downswing - meaning stuff that goes on in the early takeback of the club and subsequent top of the swing position & transition move - bunch of the time is also related to the grip hold orientation of the hands on the handle right from the get-go at set-up

as the loss of posture coming into impact is most times directly linked to the clubface orientation as it approaches impact in terms of it's relationship to target (closed/open & amount of loft on the face) plus the path plays into it

this is why it's something that's often times a consistent issue that seems impossible to cure - the instinct of the brain function is simply making this happen in order to get the clubface on the ball cause with the stuff that's preceded the swing just prior to impact if there was not the 'stand-up' and raise of the hands/handle so more vertical shaft the club head would not make contact to get ball somewhere's to the direction of target - it's more of a reflex compensation move to ensure the best contact under the circumstances of what went before

it's never really a 'lift-up' of the head - just starts with losing the pelvic posture (sometimes along with a strong lateral hip slide to target direction at transition) & legs over-straightening
which means the whole vertical height has raised up into/at impact means the head is a good bit higher than it started out at set-up

even if only for you to start to see what's goin down record your swing from behind (the dtl position) & if possible from a tripod that places the lens at approx hands height & directly behind the hands some 10' or so if the lens allows (too close & you get a bunch of parallax influences to perspective of body alignments etc)

then if you have analysis app draw a line atop the head and a vertical line on your butt and a line along the shaft at address then play through the swing & will see the butt come away from the line the hands/handle and shaft angle at just before impact will be a bunch higher (more vertical shaft) and the head position just before impact will have raised up higher than that set-up line marker
even if you don't have an app should still visually be able to see these differences

likely at this moments before impact that the hip line is still looking virtually parallel to target line - so the lead hip has not 'opened' (rotated clear to left - assuming RH player)

if these things are kinda what's goin down in the swing motion it's then real likely one or both hands are in too strong a position (rotated counterclockwise) on the handle at set-up

{unlikely from your index that you'd be hip spinning & standing up & leaning back onto trail leg into impact which can also be a reflex action cause to a ways too open face coming into impact - general flight would be over high with trouble shots goin leftfield so pull type shot results along with occasional high rights & slice type flight}

if can identify what's tending to go down with both set-up and motion then there would be a couple of things could look at doin - but really need to have more of an insight into the swing (obviously a dtl swing vid along with close-up of grip hold would help

Forgot to add that I have a fairly neutral grip and draw the ball 9/10 times(10 yards)


Nov 16, 2011
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Perhaps worth checking out whether/confirming that EE (an issue I occasional have!) is happening/is the cause of the head lifting (well, as coach said body straightening/torso, therefore head lifting)!

The classic way to identify (or cure) is to lean a chair on your backside and see whether it moves (make sure it doesn't) during the downswing, but that's a bit impractical on the range! Probably the best use of a 3 or 4 iron is to act as a replacement for the chair! And if you have a mate, they can act as 'spotter'!

The brain is a fantastic organ! But it, subconsciously, has a different - and over-riding - set of priorities that often get in the way of the golf swing! !st and 2nd, in any activity, are staying upright and preventing injury! It's only after those subconscious activities that any consideration about squaring the face comes into effect! And that activity is almost subconscious - or at least instinctive - too, from all the practice that has gone on before.

So try improving your general balance - especially in the backswing, as the consequences are really noticed in the downswing.