Standing too closet the ball?


Tour Rookie
Dec 13, 2009
North West England
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While my son was having his lesson today I hit the course with the aim of working a few niggles out. I'm now even more confused!!

I've been trying to generate a little more power by working on lag in my swing, but in recent weeks my slice has returned. Looking at my divots they are all pointing left of my target line while the ball goes right of the target line with right spin that is more noticeable on lower lofted clubs.

When on the course I wondered if my swing path was caused by standing too close to the ball so my hands and arms don't have room to come at the ball from the inside (does that make sense). I tried moving a little further away from the ball so that my arms didn't feel 'natural' (i.e. where they usually are at address) and a few balls went staring or straighter.

Now, is my fix right? Is this a long term fix or just a quick correction to a poor swing. I have a voucher coming for a lesson but I've got other things in mid for that if I can work this one out!

Thanks in advance for any thoughts, suggestions or ideas.

London mike 61

Challenge Tour Pro
Nov 18, 2013
Chigwell, Essex
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When you take your stance , are your feet square to your target line ( both feet facing forward) or is your leading foot flared lightly?
the reason I ask is because if you don't give your body a chance to face the target after the stroke then you may not be closing the club face enough , blocking your shot out to the right.


Tour Rookie
Dec 13, 2009
North West England
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When you take your stance , are your feet square to your target line ( both feet facing forward) or is your leading foot flared lightly?
the reason I ask is because if you don't give your body a chance to face the target after the stroke then you may not be closing the club face enough , blocking your shot out to the right.

Both feet parallel to each other and square to (facing) the target line. Are you saying I should try pointing my leading foot slightly towards the target instead of square?

London mike 61

Challenge Tour Pro
Nov 18, 2013
Chigwell, Essex
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Both feet parallel to each other and square to (facing) the target line. Are you saying I should try pointing my leading foot slightly towards the target instead of square?

Well, I tried that and it works for me. I think it works because being a little older I find that I'm swinging with my arms more than using my body, and flaring the leading foot helps me to clear my body that little bit quicker .

Blue in Munich

Crocked Professional Yeti Impersonator
Jan 12, 2013
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Both feet parallel to each other and square to (facing) the target line. Are you saying I should try pointing my leading foot slightly towards the target instead of square?

Ben Hogan recommended it, Pete Cowen I believe still does and Nick Faldo used to flare both feet but the leading one more so I believe. I think it gives the hips a better chance to clear so that the club can come through on a better line, but I'm no expert on this so don't be surprised if I'm corrected.


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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Ben Hogan recommended it, Pete Cowen I believe still does and Nick Faldo used to flare both feet but the leading one more so I believe. I think it gives the hips a better chance to clear so that the club can come through on a better line, but I'm no expert on this so don't be surprised if I'm corrected.

I'd like to correct you there ..... But I can't as I believe that Hogans method works very well !


Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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Not trying to be a coach here, but your arms should just hang, from your shoulders. If they hand inwards, your too close, if you reach for the ball, you're too far away. If you let go with your right hand, and let it hang, can you put it back on without reaching?


Aug 19, 2011
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The best advice I can give to get the right distance from the ball is to grip the club normally, hold it out in front of yourself and then bend forward from the hips, flexing the knees slightly, until the clubhead just touches the ground. You should feel as though your arms are hanging naturally from your shoulders, and there should be at least a hand span clearance between your hands and your thighs. This should give you enough room to swing through on line. You can come out of the closet now!


Nov 16, 2011
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I don't believe this is the sort of thing that can either be detected nor resolved by you or by asking here. IMO, it has to be seen. That divot pattern could indicate an 'over the top' problem (which can also be caused by standing too close). Divots pointing left is not necessarily a problem - in fact, some believe that's the direction they SHOULD point!

The suggestion about filching a bit of your son's lesson is a sensible one. I don't think the Pro would really consider it particularly cheeky, but probably better to ask BEFORE the lesson.

The best advice I can give....
Surely not during a round though! :rofl: