Stack and Titl teacher East Midlands


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Apr 7, 2021
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Happy new year ! Does anyone on the forum know of a S&T tutor who is based in the East Midlands, preferably in Derbyshire please?
Cheers SD


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Aug 6, 2007
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Open question to the OP. Why stack and tilt. It was a trend a few years back and there was a forum member on here that was a real advocate of the system and even took the time to walk me through it


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Apr 7, 2021
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Open question to the OP. Why stack and tilt. It was a trend a few years back and there was a forum member on here that was a real advocate of the system and even took the time to walk me through it

hi Mr Simpson
well i returned to golf when i retired early last year, so 2021 was the first year for many years ive been able to play and practice, had a great season, started on 29 now down to 15, but i have doubts about my swing, ive had lessons last year which were basically the 'orthodox' swing, ive for some time been interested in s&t. i have the book and viewed videos, ive tried a few buckets at the range, i think initially i and i suspect like many have had trouble with the tilt bit ! again probably like others have turned the initial shoulder down into a 'dip' however i think ive clicked what the 'tilt' is and when hitting a basket or two lately when it hasnt been too cold i was striking the ball really well, so i just wanted an expert on s&t to give me a look over as i think with this swing system its rather easy to misinterpret what one is supposed to be doing!

Cheers SD


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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Tried not to be as blunt as that Bob but you have a point. Wasn't there a couple of tour pros that dabbled for a season and then switched back
My worry is it causes more problems than it fixes.
You end up with too much weight on the left side (RH) and a steep angle of attack, AOA (which you get away with with short to medium clubs) but too steep for the longer clubs so you have to tilt your hips to flatten out the AOA at speed. Why would you create a problem that you then have to fix?
I'd rather the golfer stayed more central during the swing


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Apr 7, 2021
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hi regards the above mentioned criticisms of s&t i think the creators of the system have addressed them numerous times, for example re steepness with longer clubs, one should fully extend the spine which 'tucks' you bum under the hips, which shallows the approach !
for my sake as I have time on my hands its a bit of fun !!

i'm going to see how it goes when i start playing again (other than the occasional bucket at the range i dont play winter golf) so come March ill be giving it a whirl, ill report back as to results of this experiment.
Cheers SD


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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To the OP, I spent a full day on the range with the same person Homer refers too, it was an instant improvement re strike bike as bob said it did create other issues further down the line. After a few months I invested in a course of lessons, ground it out through the winter with a conventional swing and dropped my handicap through the following season from 13-7. I backed out of the ST theory early on as I was worried about it getting too ingrained.

I found it put higher levels of pressure on my left knee and ankle which have previous injuries but this was in autumn 2013 so the technique may have developed. If you are going to try it you are best to do it under supervision, but I think you’d also need long term routine lessons off a very limited amount of pro’s


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Apr 7, 2021
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To the OP, I spent a full day on the range with the same person Homer refers too, it was an instant improvement re strike bike as bob said it did create other issues further down the line. After a few months I invested in a course of lessons, ground it out through the winter with a conventional swing and dropped my handicap through the following season from 13-7. I backed out of the ST theory early on as I was worried about it getting too ingrained.

I found it put higher levels of pressure on my left knee and ankle which have previous injuries but this was in autumn 2013 so the technique may have developed. If you are going to try it you are best to do it under supervision, but I think you’d also need long term routine lessons off a very limited amount of pro’s

hi i think when iv e toyed with s&t in earlier times i was doing the mistake this guy describes at 0.39, however ive now realized after watching several vids what the 'tilt'
really means and what to do, i strongly suspect numerous s&t initiates who only have vids or the book to learn from have misinterpreted this move, as i hate winter golf i will be rarely playing until the temperature improves but i was quite surprised when i hit a bucket of balls at the range last week and was streiking them very well with my now better understood s&t moves, but
the real mc'coy will be when the new season starts out on the course at Good old Sinfin.

Cheers and good luck


Nov 16, 2011
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If S&T was so good why isn't everyone using it and every pro teaching it?
Inertia and fear - the usual reason for resistance.
Oh, and indoctrination from those responsible for 'teaching the teachers' who also have the above attributes.
Your argument in post 10 is more persuasive imo, though undoubtedly S&T exponents would have a response.
It seems to me that there could be some advantages in certain situations, but it's not for me. As an ex hockey playing recreational golfer, I prefer minor adjustments to my 'natural' swing rather than complete overhaul to a discipline that I might not be able to achieve. Of course, that's inertia and fear again!