Should I book next lesson or not?


Dec 22, 2016
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Hi. I used to play a lot of golf 20+ years ago but quit after developing the worse slice ever.

I've decided to take up the challenge again and I've had a couple of lessons requesting a complete swing reconstruction from the ground up. I really want to perfect (well as much as I can) what I learn before continuing to the next lesson.

The first lesson (30 mins) consisted of the usual, grip, posture, address, half swing etc. I hit around 500 or so balls on the range and booked the second lesson.

The second lesson (60 mins) was around the back swing. I've probably swung at around 1000 - 1500 balls since. Now, whilst on the range I've been aiming at some rugby posts positioned at approximately 100 yards with a 7 iron. Really concentrating still on my grip, posture, club position etc.

I would estimate a 33% probability of hitting the target with another 33% of a close miss. To be fair, if the rugby posts were lined up exactly with the astro turf mat, I'd estimate a 50 - 66% probability of hitting the target central.

Should I be hitting the target more before I book another lesson, or would the next lesson, which I assume would be on the downswing, increase the probability of hitting the target?

In case it sways your opinions.... I would really like to play bogey golf. I know I'll never be a fantastic golfer but I do want to enjoy the game. If I could hit a ball straight 190 yards I'd be a happy man.

Thanks for any advice or opinions.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Welcome along. Personally, I'd work on the drills your were shown and try and get the swing changes feeding as normal as it can and relying on the ball flight and direction to feedback what you are doing. It seems you are hitting your target with increasing regularity. Why not get a swing filmed ideally from behind (down the line) and side on and show/send them to your teaching pro and make sure he's happy. If possible let him see you hit a couple. A good pro should be looking to give ongoing feedback and advice before the next lesson to stop errors creeping in that'll need changing in the next lesson. Stick with it. stay patient and look forward to getting onto a course and playing


Dec 22, 2016
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Thank you for replying so quickly.

That's just what I needed to know. I wasn't sure whether my misses were simply because of my downswing. If they're more likely because my back swing isn't right every time or perhaps because I'm still have to concentrate on swing mechanics rather than just being able to step up and hit a ball, then I'll continue to work on my own at the range.

I just hope I can get it right in time for mid-spring so I can get some play during 2017.

Expensive hobby to learn though at £5.40 per 100 ball basket.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Thank you for replying so quickly.

That's just what I needed to know. I wasn't sure whether my misses were simply because of my downswing. If they're more likely because my back swing isn't right every time or perhaps because I'm still have to concentrate on swing mechanics rather than just being able to step up and hit a ball, then I'll continue to work on my own at the range.

I just hope I can get it right in time for mid-spring so I can get some play during 2017.

Expensive hobby to learn though at £5.40 per 100 ball basket.

Remember its quality and not quantity. Maybe a smaller basket and spend time rehearsing the swing and feeling where the club is in the back swing and making sure it's a good takeaway and then a connected swing through. I'd speak to the pro though and get him to give the swing a two minute look over as well


Dec 22, 2016
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I admit, it's easy to forget what I'm trying to learn. I start off thinking about every ball, taking the practice swings, checking the club head position etc, but after hitting around 10 or 20 balls, sometimes another 10 or 20 balls have gone by before I remember why I'm there. Too easy in getting lost trying to hit the target instead of focusing on the drills.

Thanks again for your reply. Hopefully, I'll be able to post back more positive figures in a few weeks.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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hey there welcome

sounds like you are on the road back already

thing to consider that for sure there's no such stuff as perfect, the perfect swing the majority of the time - don't seek perfect just end up 'chasing tails' ... aim to improve aim to be as 'functional as possible'

good thing is you spent a good deal of time it sounds with 'target' being foremost in the mind and that's a real good way to approach it all - golf is a target game

the other part that is also real good is the focus on the hold on the handle, set-up, ball position, alignments etc. as all the 'statics' are hugely important - truth is a large majority of folks struggle at the game because of issues with the grip and set-up
set-up is a real key why all Tour Pro's and elite ams spend a whole bunch of time getting this as good as it can be everytime practice, training or play

a lot of the study I've done and good bunch of experts point to the whole one club one target 20 or more balls in a row, 'block practice', is helpful to start with and to go back to for a small percentage of time once a fair grounding of motion has been done progress is made more through 'random practice'
so with 'rp' still line up shot from behind the ball to the target but it's one club one ball to a target - so say 7i to whatever distance is a norm for the club to the selected target - but then PW then 5i, 3 metal, SW, driver and so it continues
if at the range these targets not also straight out in line with the mat, but leftfield and rightfield
hit an issue then maybes 10 balls block practice to re-enforce the motion, or tempo, or rhythm or balance

that kind of stuff in-between a lesson plan worked out with the Pro - so maybes as just started back a lesson every 3 - 4 weeks

what is key is get some alignment sticks so can spend good time getting set-up down good say after an easy warm up 6 balls with 3/4 PW swing - 6 balls with 7i with sticks on alignment/set-up posture/grip
then put the sticks away and into a 'rp' session - don't just drag a ball and hit go back of ball and define line to target etc

get the lesson the grip/set-up/posture on cell phone from caddy view and dtl (down-the-line to target) along with a couple of good swing motions
then there's something to refer to during practice is things goin a tad south

good luck


Dec 22, 2016
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Thx Coach.

I am still struggling with my whole set up. Not so much with the grip but with balance.

My old swing was VERY low to the ground with my back end stuck out miles. My pro has me almost standing straight which is very new to me. I have often found myself kind of in between and lower than I was told, which I then have to correct. I've been practising wearing a pair of converse pumps and I don't think they've been helping but I've asked Santa to bring me a pair of spikeless golf trainers which I hope will help.

Also, I was told my weight should only really be shifting to the inside of my left foot at present.... hmmm... Although my target practice is heck of a lot better than a few weeks ago, I'm beginning to wonder how much of absolute basic stuff I haven't remembered to apply to my practice.

Some will think it can't be that hard to swing a club - No.... it wasn't.... Until one day I couldn't! I just hope I haven't ingrained everything wrong too much already.


Dec 22, 2016
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The wife is going to come to the practice range with me tomorrow and take videos with my phone. Don't know how good the quality will be but great idea.

Don't think she's too impressed with the idea though. Perhaps the promise of a glass in the club bar might encourage her more LOL


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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The wife is going to come to the practice range with me tomorrow and take videos with my phone. Don't know how good the quality will be but great idea.

Don't think she's too impressed with the idea though. Perhaps the promise of a glass in the club bar might encourage her more LOL

I'd suggest getting a small notebook and jot down the important points of any lesson