Should 18 h'cap.....


Head Pro
Jul 19, 2007
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Shoot a level par back 9 in general play :eek:

Sunday was the most amazing day, ever! I was +9 on the front, playing to my h'cap and then something magical happened, my putts started sinking. It was most bizzare and may playing partner (who I had never met prior to the day) thought I was a hustler as we had a pint on the match! Was 3 down at the turn and went onto win the 10/11/12/14/16/17 for 3&1

I have never experienced the feeling and probably won't for a long time to come but what a feeling!
Enjoy the feeling-everyone is entitled to one day when the putts drop, the irons are flushed and the drives never miss the fairway.

Handicap should come down considerable after that round.
It does happen, but as per your signature its more likely a sign of things to come!

My own handicap is 25 at the moment having only been back playing golf for 7 months. But I have not shot a round above 80 in my last 5 rounds.

I lead the wintersweep by about 30 stableford points after 5 rounds and people have been complaining!

Congrats on a very nice back nine, fingers crossed its only a sign of good times around the corner!
Well done SM. Great result. You should get well cut with that score.

You have beaten most players "on the way down" to a level par 9, I can't think I did it until 12-14? maybe.

You played matchplay with someone you didn't know??? was this a club arranged thing.....poor chap.

It won't get much better than this! I love playing a level/under par 9, but not as much as a solid 18, don't know why.

Good for you.

I sincerely hope you are ashamed of yourself.

Unless you play at a course that is par 55 you should be going to your handicap secretary and asking to be cut to about 12ish

If you course is par 70 that means you have been getting about 51 points per round.

Does anyone else think this is scandalous ? I understand anyone can have a good day but this is ridiculous. No wonder golfers are always wary of bandits !
Its the winter, nothing they will do with my handicap.

I know its wrong, they knows its wrong but we all need the new season to come around before it can be fixed.

Plus I did start off 28 and put in a serious amount of work this summer to improve.

Ashamed, no? Happy with my golf, yes.
Its the winter, nothing they will do with my handicap.
Why can they not cut you in general play? Official guidelines suggest handicaps should be reviewed every 2 months:

"It is suggested that the Committee meet every two months or so through the playing season to keep in touch with how players are performing. These meetings should be used to examine any players who have done well in the period since the last meeting and consider other matters brought to the Committee’s attention.

When considering a General Play handicap adjustment Handicap Committees should: able to justify any General Play adjustment on the grounds that they have cause to consider that, on the basis of recent performances but not a single score, the player’s current handicap does not reflect his playing ability."

A 25 handicapper who consistently breaks 80 should easily fall into the "current handicap does not reflect playing ability" category.

Am I right in my understanding that you came down 3 shots to 25 between April and the end of the season but have effectively come down another 15 shots or so since then?? Somebody call Norris McWhirter!

I sincerely hope you are ashamed of yourself.

Unless you play at a course that is par 55 you should be going to your handicap secretary and asking to be cut to about 12ish

If you course is par 70 that means you have been getting about 51 points per round.

Does anyone else think this is scandalous ? I understand anyone can have a good day but this is ridiculous. No wonder golfers are always wary of bandits !

Its the winter, nothing they will do with my handicap.
Why can they not cut you in general play? Official guidelines suggest handicaps should be reviewed every 2 months:

"It is suggested that the Committee meet every two months or so through the playing season to keep in touch with how players are performing. These meetings should be used to examine any players who have done well in the period since the last meeting and consider other matters brought to the Committee’s attention.

When considering a General Play handicap adjustment Handicap Committees should: able to justify any General Play adjustment on the grounds that they have cause to consider that, on the basis of recent performances but not a single score, the player’s current handicap does not reflect his playing ability."

A 25 handicapper who consistently breaks 80 should easily fall into the "current handicap does not reflect playing ability" category.

Am I right in my understanding that you came down 3 shots to 25 between April and the end of the season but have effectively come down another 15 shots or so since then?? Somebody call Norris McWhirter!

My understanding is that the "playing season" is the key point from your extract. Given we are now past the playing season I do not believe they can cut my handicap. I could be wrong though and would welcome a cut.

However one point to bear in mind is that my recent rich vein of scoring has been on the shorter winter course off moved forward tees. Who knows what I can actually shoot once we get back onto medal tees.

I came down 3 shots as a result of my medal results. I actually played very little golf on my home course. Played a lot of bounce games around friends courses for skins etc.

I have also found a degree of consistency now that was lacking when I was playing in medals.

Like I said, I have no reason to feel ashamed. I have made good progress with my golf and it is up to the handicap committees to decide what they would like to do.
I'm not looking to get invloved on this one, but my course has a CSS of 67 for winter (off the matts). If we/I/anyone plays in a qualifying comp we will get cut on every shot better than 3 under par nett.

I would say that a course that "closes the book" on h'cap adjustments over the winter is treading on thin ice. There's a buffer for going up and a winter CSS for most clubs, therefore "normal" scores (3 under - 2 over e.g.) will not attract any change....seems fair enough.

Dunno, other than that......

Our handicaps are froozen at the end of the playing season. No matter how well you play during the winter it wont effect our handicaps. There are some clubs over here that run handicaps all year round but not our's unfortunately!!!!!!
yeah you know. my mate has just been cut to 13 he started of on 16 this year but im practicing more and had more shortgame improvement lessons so im gonna kick his ass in the new year
Well I can settle the argument. Got a call from the pro to tell me my myjoys were in, and I have been cut. Now off 18. Ten shots in 6 months, could be on for ten by end of next season.

Thats the plan anyway.
I am the handicap secretary at the club where I am a member and the winter used to be a source of frustration for the person in the role before me before we implemented a proper solution.

We play off a much reduced length course so it isn't really counting however there is a CSS to each competition and in that respect we have a seperate winter handicap which goes up and down accordingly.

Come April everyone in theory reverts back to their end of previous season handicap except, in cases where I believe exceptional play has been demonstrated on more than one occassion. These players will be assessed and cut accordingly ready for the new season.

simplyme - if your round was in competition on our course I would allow natural handicap cut to take place however it would put you on my radar to look out for consistent good returns. If this were to be the case a revision as per CONGU guidelines would be applied. Without dismissing your round, anyone can have a good day and it makes such a difference if the putts are dropping. Well played though!

happer hacker - the other members would have had me by the titleists if I hadn't acted sooner. It is simply not feasible to dismiss handicap adjustments during the winter. Its not your fault but the clubs handicapping policy members should be questioning.
Sounds fair Marko the system you have implemented and I certainly did feel bad for other members and had no problem with their questions re me & handicap.

Glad they have cut my handicap, means I can hopefully acheive me end of next season 10!