Share my lesson n.o2


Tour Rookie
Jun 30, 2010
Rochester (Kent)
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So I had another lesson with my new pro Darren Bragg and like last time I share the notes that he gives me with the forum as it may be helpful to you. If you need any of this explaining then just ask away and I will try my best to answer.

Set Up – Ball Position – keep the ball central with al full shots (iron).
Takeaway – great work here, keep it up now.
Backswing – Body Movement, key today was to understand how the head and chest should move in the backswing, it is very natural for them to move with the club behind the ball (shown below in images).
Arms Crossed Drill – Take your normal set up position and cross your arms, place the club across the front of your shoulders. As you practice your backswing you should aim to turn the club shaft over your right foot (instep). As this is achieved you will experience some resistance in the right knee, thigh muscle and hip.
Downswing Path – Using some alignment sticks we created a strong visual reference for the new path.
Elbow in – the physical reference was to feel the right elbow move down towards the right hip at the start of the downswing as the body drives towards target.
