Satellite Scam


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2012
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Some of you know but I project manage all my mates jobs and he's involved mainly in external rendering systems, anyway, we took a satellite dish down today, no different to any other time, put some extra long screws in whilst we rendered so we could put the dish back, no problem, well it's never been before, but, this time we lost the signal and couldn't get it back for our customer, so, I called a company that said they were local which actually turned out to be a call centre sending local companies out to jobs, no big deal and was quoted £69 to realign, oh well, have to take that on the chin, bloke arrives in my absence 2 hours later and is saying it needs moving elsewhere to the other side of the house and will cost a minimum £120+ VAT, I say "get stuffed", the dish has been in that same position with a perfect picture for 3 years, he then tries to blame the scaffold, which has been up for a week and again with a perfect picture, he then blames trees that have grown since the dish was installed 3 years ago in that position, I said you're havin' a feckin' larf mate, have those tree's grown over the last week so much we now can't get a perfect picture!? He then wants the £69 for attempting to realign the dish but he won't guarantee a picture and wants the money upfront, all I can say now not to incriminate myself is, he's now left the building!!

What a scam, I'm now desperate to find a company, preferably a family one in or covering Birmingham (B16) that can help me sort my customer out so he has some TV over the Bank Holiday weekend?

DO NOT advise Ariel Force :angry::mad:


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2012
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I'm sorted now thanks, someone going around tomorrow afternoon, but be warned, so many of the companies I telephoned were call centres and it's all a scam, apparently they have to find between £5k-£7k a month for them to be on the books, the £69 is just a worm on the hook, they then find more work and quote/charge the earth once on site, if they can get away with it!


Journeyman Pro
Jun 9, 2012
New Forest
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Its not that difficult if theres two of you to do it with no gizmos. Me and the mrs managed it when we moved in. Get the box on the setup page then up the ladder and play with it until the signal strength bars go up, as long as you can here the person looking at the tv shout jobs a good'un!