Rules question


Journeyman Pro
Aug 14, 2009
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What is the ruling if on a practice swing i take one leaf off a branch but do not improve my swing path does anyone gave the R&A o Official ruling its just im on my phone at work


Journeyman Pro
Aug 14, 2009
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Bob this is an argument between me an my dad at work he now says even knocking 1 leaf off improves your swing path anything living or growing according to the rules of golf


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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If the leaf is in the way of your backswing and you 'accidentally' knock it off, that will clear your swing path, therefor a penalty.
But if your backswing hits a branch thats in the way and a few leaves fall out BUT THE BRANCH IS STILL IN THE WAY your swing path hasn't changed so no penalty.
It's all about has your swingpath changed/improved. If it has a penalty. If not, no penalty.


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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The "decisions on the rules of golf" clearly says that knocking a leaf, or even several leaves may not improve the swing path, although in some instances it clearly could. Even the leaf size could be relevent as a large leafed tree would clearly offer more of an obsticle than a small leafed.

It is a matter of judgement and I suspect the start of many an argument!



Tour Winner
May 17, 2011
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If the leaf is in the way of your backswing and you 'accidentally' knock it off, that will clear your swing path, therefor a penalty.
But if your backswing hits a branch thats in the way and a few leaves fall out BUT THE BRANCH IS STILL IN THE WAY your swing path hasn't changed so no penalty.
It's all about has your swingpath changed/improved. If it has a penalty. If not, no penalty.

I love this rule. The decision on it does little to help. But as said by Bob it is a matter of improving swing path.

As the rule is name Rule 13-2 Improving Lie, Area of Intended Stance or Swing, or Line of Play

If for example you took the swing and made contact with a single leaf that then fell then yes you would be improving your swing path. Removal of that single leaf would remove a potential distraction.

Same way you aren't allowed to shake excess water of a branch before making your stroke. (how many time have you seen this happen?)

If you swing and hit a branch and leaves at the end of the branch fell of then no you aren't improving your area of swing.

It's a very grey rule. If in doubt as to weather or not you have breached the rule then take the penalty or raise it with the committee afterwards for a ruling.

Here is the decision 13-2/22

Q.A player's ball lies near a tree or bush. The player takes a practice swing near his ball and knocks down leaves in the area of his intended swing. Is this a breach of Rule 13-2?

A. The answer depends on whether the area of the intended swing is improved. In some cases, the knocking down of a number of leaves would not improve the area of the intended swing as the player still has to swing through a number of remaining leaves when making his stroke. In such circumstances, there would be no breach of the Rules. In other cases, the knocking down of one leaf might improve the area of the intended swing, in which case there would be a breach of Rule 13-2. If a player has improved the area of his intended swing by knocking down a leaf or a number of leaves, he cannot avoid penalty under Rule 13-2 by subsequently changing the area of his swing when he actually makes the stroke.
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