Rule 14-4 Was I correct?


Challenge Tour Pro
Sep 4, 2009
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Friendly game last week and on 16th my mate suddenly said that he was calling a penalty on himself for grounding his club in a water hazard on the previous hole.

I had seen the incident but didn't query it at the time as the ball, being in the 2 to 3" long grass on the upslope of the bank, was, in my view, resting in the grass and not on the ground. Yes, his club was in the grass at address but not "grounded" on terra firma. He confirmed that he hadn't grounded his club as such but had moved it around in the grass in addressing the ball - not to improve his lie though.

I said no penalty but he wasn't so sure. :mmm:

It seems that the note at the end of Rule 13 allows touching growing things (grass, bush, etc) at any time including addressing and backswing. Have I interpreted this correctly please. If so, it would seem that it applies to bunkers as well as water hazards.

Thanks experts :)


Tour Rookie
Aug 6, 2007
Croydon, Surrey
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Not sure of the exact answer but I do not think the rule differentiate between water and bunkers in that they are both hazards.
My gut feeling is that it is a penalty. Brian Davis called this on himself at Hilton Head in the play off last year.


Challenge Tour Pro
Sep 4, 2009
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Just been looking on the R and A site and there seems to be some confirmation e.g.

Q A player takes a practice swing in a water hazard without grounding his club, but his club touches some long grass. Is there a penalty?

A No - see Note to Rule 13-4. However, the player must ensure that his actions do not breach Rule 13-2 or constitute testing the condition of the hazard.

Note: At any time, including at address or in the backward movement for the stroke, the player may touch, with a club or otherwise, any obstruction, any construction declared by the Committee to be an integral part of the course or any grass, bush, tree or other growing thing.

Ahh. Interesting reading. Just found this one ....

Q If a player's ball lies in a water hazard, when is his club in tall grass considered to be touching the ground in the water hazard, in breach of Rule 13-4b?

A When the grass is compressed to the point where it will support the weight of the club (i.e. when the club is grounded).

You learn something new every day :thup:


Q-School Graduate
May 8, 2011
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i think brian davis touched a dead reed stem, which was thus a loose impediment rather than something growing in the hazard... is that correct or am i talking pony? slugger white pulled it away to check, so i'm assuming the rules listed above do not apply to loose impediments?