Reversing Diabetics - any experience


Tour Winner
Feb 27, 2010
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I can't loose weight. But to prove the booze thing. 6 pints 6.1 I did dance all the way home to .. .bad Manners and I'm still doing it. Life. It's for enjoying


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Mar 23, 2013
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I have honey on my cereals, is that bad, or is syrup just better.

I'm pre-diabetic, latest blood tests had me around 42 iirc which is the lower end, but lost 10-12 ils in the last 6-7 weeks, so want to continue on that journey, but food as well as exercise needs to improve.

Cereals have loads of carbs in so why add more with honey or syrup.


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May 3, 2011
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Cereals have loads of carbs in so why add more with honey or syrup.
For some reason, breakfast cereals seem to get a bit of a free pass. For the most part, they're ultra processed carbs that for most people will give a significant blood sugar peak and subsequent crash.

As for LBs question, both are very definitely in the Not A Good Thing bucket. I've not been in a similar position, so feel slightly uncomfortable offering opinions, but cutting out as much sugar and ultra processed food as possible is pretty much 101 for starting to reset the body's response to blood sugar and insulin. And don't replace it with artificial sweetners, which may also stimulate the sugar response.


Assistant Pro
Sep 21, 2017
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The alcohol thing. I'm not convinced this is a problem. Look I have a right booze up on a Thursday and test when I get back and I'm well under acceptable limits. And I'm swigging cider, and sweet cider at that. We are here to enjoy life. Don't let the docs suck the fun out of it. Get the test strips and test after a bottle of wine and a carb controlled meal. It's 2 hours after by the way. Maybe it's me and my system but I'm ok with booze. It's sugar that's my problem so I'm VERY cautious about this oh and I try to do a bit of a walk each day or work.
Offered with no advice… but I found the alcohol-sugar interesting… ofcourse everyone is different and he is drinking whisky without any mixer.. would be very different if it was JD + Coke



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Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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I am on novorapid and abasagalar (a long term insulin I inject first thing). I am not particularly good at keeping my diet in check and still have a penchant for sweet stuff and the odd beer or three. I did go through a phase of trying all the healthy food options, brown rice, wholemeal pasta etc, but in the end it was cost prohibitive as these tend to be significantly more expensive for someone trying to shop on a budget. That said my HB1A number is trending downwards and if I do have a lapse the novorapid does a good job of stabilising. For those that do want to look at what they eat can I suggest looking here -

I've tried a lot of their breakfast, main meals and snacks and they are actually very good. I should go back to these again but when the wife is doing home made stews, crumbles etc at the weekends its hard to say no


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Mar 6, 2024
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Lad I play golf with has recently been offered the chance to take part in diabetes reversable programme via our GP.

Starts mid-April, initially 12 weeks of an 800 calorie a day diet, diet is all provided by GP, will consist of soups, energy bars/gels etc.
Not allowed anything else!

Minitored weekly by GP, after 12 weeks they increase the calorie intake and reintroduce “some” foods.

He’s looking forward to it as he’d love to reverse his diabetes, but also a bit apprehensive.

Red devil

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Sep 26, 2021
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Lad I play golf with has recently been offered the chance to take part in diabetes reversable programme via our GP.

Starts mid-April, initially 12 weeks of an 800 calorie a day diet, diet is all provided by GP, will consist of soups, energy bars/gels etc.
Not allowed anything else!

Minitored weekly by GP, after 12 weeks they increase the calorie intake and reintroduce “some” foods.

He’s looking forward to it as he’d love to reverse his diabetes, but also a bit apprehensive.
This is the regime implemented by Prof. Roy Taylor of Newcastle University. It's not quackery, it works. Mate of mine did it, big lad junkfood and beer monster. Lost a stack of weight and reversed his diabetes. Off medications altogether and blood tests show no evidence of diabetes.
It is more effective if your diabetes is caught early.
He follows a low carb lifestyle now with red wine or spirits and lo cal mixers his drink of choice as opposed to beer, which his GP calls "liquid toast"


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2024
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This is the regime implemented by Prof. Roy Taylor of Newcastle University. It's not quackery, it works. Mate of mine did it, big lad junkfood and beer monster. Lost a stack of weight and reversed his diabetes. Off medications altogether and blood tests show no evidence of diabetes.
It is more effective if your diabetes is caught early.
He follows a low carb lifestyle now with red wine or spirits and lo cal mixers his drink of choice as opposed to beer, which his GP calls "liquid toast"
I hope my mate sticks to it and gets the same results, the 800 calories a day will be the hardest for him.👍🏻

Red devil

Well-known member
Sep 26, 2021
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I hope my mate sticks to it and gets the same results, the 800 calories a day will be the hardest for him.👍🏻
Yes. But if he sticks at it there's no rest of your life medication or eyesight issues. Or risk of gangrene from non healing wounds. Sounds gruesome but I knew a guy who lost both legs to gangrene and his sight because he ignored the warnings


Tour Winner
Feb 27, 2010
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Lad I play golf with has recently been offered the chance to take part in diabetes reversable programme via our GP.

Starts mid-April, initially 12 weeks of an 800 calorie a day diet, diet is all provided by GP, will consist of soups, energy bars/gels etc.
Not allowed anything else!

Minitored weekly by GP, after 12 weeks they increase the calorie intake and reintroduce “some” foods.

He’s looking forward to it as he’d love to reverse his diabetes, but also a bit apprehensive.

I don't think you can reverse it. I could be wrong. Your body isn't producing enough insulin. All you can do is drop your levels and hope to keep them there....I think.


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2024
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I don't think you can reverse it. I could be wrong. Your body isn't producing enough insulin. All you can do is drop your levels and hope to keep them there....I think.
Maybe “reverse” is incorrect terminology, I was going with the language the op used, maybe going into remission is a better way of putting it.👍🏻


Assistant Pro
Jun 26, 2015
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I don't think you can reverse it. I could be wrong. Your body isn't producing enough insulin. All you can do is drop your levels and hope to keep them there....I think.
Type 1 diabetes is not producing enough insulin Its an auto immune disease which wipes out your insulin producing cells

Type 2 diabetes is not necessarily not producing enough insulin. It is quite multifaceted and in some cases can be reversed and in virtually all cases can be improved by life style changes.

Another good podcast by an expert explaining it.



Tour Winner
Feb 27, 2010
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I got a message from my docs about a NHS thing to loose weight. So I contacted the docs to say I was up for it. They arranged a phone meeting with one of the docs with me for wednesday last week. I think hes a bit of an arse, but hey, I'm up for it. He didn't call. Reinforcing my opinion of him


Assistant Pro
Sep 21, 2017
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I got a message from my docs about a NHS thing to loose weight. So I contacted the docs to say I was up for it. They arranged a phone meeting with one of the docs with me for wednesday last week. I think hes a bit of an arse, but hey, I'm up for it. He didn't call. Reinforcing my opinion of him
I was talking to a friend and he says that his GP has been prescribing Wegovy (or whatever is the generic name) for weight loss. Seems like everyone wants to go down weight loss pill/shot route.. If it helps, why not


Tour Winner
Feb 27, 2010
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I chased to docs yesterday. It appears the sneaky git changed the appointment to today without telling me. What an beep beep. I can see a row happening later.