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Removed posts


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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If posts are removed by mods, could they please get in touch to say why they were removed.

It can be a little tricky…

I think I can say…(edited) I probably can’t say (edited)

The first statement contains no opinion…the second statement does and would almost certainly generate politically-tinted debate…nooooo - red line crossed.
Last edited:


Provider of Entertainment for the Golfing Gods 🙄
Oct 29, 2009
Aylesbury Bucks
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Speaking from experience, sometimes a particular post is removed for whatever reason, all the replies to that post need to be removed too, especially if the original removed post is quoted.

They can be long strings with many contributors and it’s just not feasible to contact everyone.

Mods are unpaid volunteers with lives
It’s been removed for a good reason, accept it and move on 👍

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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Further to @PhilTheFragger post, totally agree with what he has said, generally we do add a reason why but sometimes a post is deleted just as you are about to leave the house / work, go to bed etc and you just want to remove the offending post, that is the priority. When you give a reason you want to word it correctly, not be ham fisted, and in those situations it is better to simply remove than leave it until you have the time to add the reasoning. As I say, removing the offending post is always the priority.

It can also be that some posts are so obviously offensive or against the rules that an explanation really should not be necessary.

If you have a post removed and are not sure as to why, feel free to pick a mod and message them asking why it happened. We will always reply, even if it was not the same mod who removed it. I am sure whoever you contact can work out the thinking behind it if pointed towards the thread and the post.